“Corn dogs again?” I said, making a mock-face of horror. “You’re going to start barking soon if you keep eating them.”
She laughed at that. “Silly Daddy…”
Kate came on the screen, smiling. “Hi, my love.”
“How was your day?”
“It was a mixed bag. Remember that problem I told you about earlier with the old staff member? Well, there was some consternation. We can talk about it later when Sophie’s off the call.”
We chatted for a while as a family, and then Sophie went back to her coloring book. That way, Kate and I could have a more serious conversation.
“Tell me,” she said, eager to hear more, her eyes wide. “What happened with Sam?”
I sighed heavily. “In the end, Michael decided to fire her. So, at least she won’t be a bother to me in the hallways anymore.”
“Oh, dear.” She made a face of concern. “That will make her even more angry.”
“I hired security,” I said quickly, wanting to assuage her fears. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll have three guys who’ll watch over me while I’m here.”
She shook her head. “I thought we’d managed to get rid of the need for security. For the first time in a long time, I can walk around without checking for a red cup on the dash or a red flower in a man’s lapel.”
I smiled, thinking about the security services I’d hired back when we first returned, and Lisa Monroe’s crazed father and brother were a threat. We’d been able to remove the 24/7 detail watching over us once both were in custody.
“Maybe someday, we’ll be able to have a normal life without security following us around all the time.”
“Maybe someday. That day couldn’t come too soon.”
We spoke for a few moments more, and then when I yawned despite trying to hide it behind a hand, Kate called Sophie back.
“Come say goodnight to Daddy.”
Sophie’s smiling face popped back into the frame. “Good night, Daddy.”
“Good night, Sweetheart. Kisses and hugs.”
I blew her a kiss and she smiled and blew one back at me.
“Good night, my love. Can’t wait until we’re together again.”
“Good night,” Kate said. “Love you.”
“Love you more,” I replied and then we smiled and ended the call.
I sighed and glanced around the hotel room. It felt so empty after chatting with Kate and Sophie.
A few days and we’d be reunited.
It couldn’t come soon enough…
After I ended the call with Drake, I turned back and watched Sophie coloring for a moment, wondering what I should do next. There was packing to finish, and I also had to finish a letter I was writing to my supervisor, thanking her for helping me during my time at Columbia, and letting her know how my new job at the paper was going.
While I was cruising the paper’s website, I came across Page One. Right there, in black and white, was me seated on a sofa with Carlton leaning over me. If you didn’t know better, it looked like we were a couple since Carlton was holding my hand. There was another couple in the image, and we were off to the side, but it was clearly me and Carlton.
I shook my head. It was either bad timing or someone thought we were a couple and snapped the pics thinking they were catching some cute images of the grad students who were celebrating the end of the term.
I rolled my eyes and closed the website, hoping that Carlton didn’t see them and get any ideas. I told him repeatedly that I was happily married but he didn’t seem to get the picture. What made him unable to understand when a woman wasn’t interested? Was it just his family’s power in the journalism world? Was it his job with Page One?