“Here we are,” I said and nodded to the driver. “Get in first.”
Michael got inside and I followed. We drove off and I sighed, glad that at least Michael hadn’t invited Sam to drive to the hotel with us.
I did not look forward the rest of the night and decided I would have a single drink and then I’d leave the crew to party without me.
At least, that was the plan…
When I got Drake’s text that he would be working late to deal with the patients from the General Hospital, I decided that Sophie and I could spend the afternoon at the beach and not worry about being home in time to Skype with Drake at the usual time. He said it might be midnight his time or later, so that meant we had all afternoon to spend enjoying the sun and surf.
Sophie and I got our gear together, a blanket and an umbrella as well as some shovels and pails so she could build a sandcastle. Then, we walked down the boardwalk and found a nice spot near the beach. Above the boardwalk was a food truck selling Mexican food, so we got some delicious Churros and chocolate sauce and sat on the blanket under the umbrella and enjoyed our afternoon snack.
It was a perfect day which would only be made more perfect if Drake had been there.
Soon enough.
We went back to the beach house closer to five, and when we arrived, the scent of something cooking on the grill was enticing.
“What have you got for us tonight?” I asked Elaine, who was standing by the grill, a set of tongs in her hand.
“Ribs,” she said and smiled. “With BBQ sauce. And some potato salad I made while you were at the beach.”
“Smells and sounds heavenly,” I said and carried the beach towel and picnic basket inside. We washed up and went to the living room, where my father was watching some sports event on the flatscreen.
I checked my cell and saw that it was now closer to five, which meant it was near midnight in Nairobi. Drake still hadn’t called. He must really be working late.
“Did you hear anything about the floods in Nairobi?” I asked my father. I sat on the sofa next to his wheelchair.
“Let’s see what’s new,” he said and switched the channel to an international news network. We watched for a few moments and then they showed scenes of disaster in Kenya. Flooding in the rural areas from such heavy rains, the dam bursting and causing flooding in larger cities along the river’s course. Then, images from Nairobi itself, with collapsed buildings and scenes of first responders rushing to carry the wounded out from the rubble.
“Poor Drake,” my father said, shaking his head. “He was supposed to be on vacation, but instead, he’s fighting a bloody war against the elements.”
“He still hasn’t called,” I said and checked my cell again. “He said he would one he got back to the hotel. I feel so bad for him and Michael.
I decided to text him just to see if he was going to be extra late.
KATE: Hey, my love. It’s midnight in Nairobi. Are you still working? We’re having a nice meal of ribs and Elaine’s potato salad after an afternoon on the beach. I know Sophie will love to hear from you. Call me when you can. XOXO
I put my cell on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to start setting the table outside. Elaine had enough on her plate with the ribs, so I wanted to be helpful. By the time the food was ready, it was six, which meant it was close to one in the morning in Nairobi.
Now I was starting to get worried.
KATE: Did you fall asleep? I understand if so. Just text me to let me know you’re all right. I don’t want to call and wake you, just in case. Love you.
I sighed and tried to focus on enjoying the supper Elaine had prepared. We all sat around the table on the patio and were able to enjoy the food and one of the last meals we’d share with my father and Elaine before getting on the plane on Tuesday. I didn’t want to keep checking my cell, but soon, I was really getting worried because it was now seven thirty, and according to my calculations, it was close to 2:30 AM in the morning in Nairobi.
Drake should have called.
They may have had a difficult case that took hours longer than planned. There were bound to be head traumas from the building collapses and that would require both emergency doctors and neurosurgeons to treat.
That would explain why he was so late.
“When is Daddy calling?” Sophie asked while Elaine and I were cleaning up after our meal was finished. She was sitting at the kitchen island coloring as usual.
“There was a big flood in Nairobi and some buildings collapsed,” I said, trying not to be too graphic. “Your father is a very skilled neurosurgeon and so he’s probably working late trying to save people’s lives.” I gave her a smile and then stroked her hair. “He’ll call as soon as he can. You know he loves our Skype sessions.”
Once we were finished cleaning up, I let Sophie play for a little while longer, and then took her into the bathroom off her bedroom to run a nice bubble bath. She soaked in it for about half an hour, playing with her toys, and then I got her into her pajamas and ready for a bedtime story.