“Hey, Daddy. You enjoying the afternoon?”
“Always. It’s so peaceful out here. I love the sound of the surf. It’s comforting.”
“It is,” I said and bent down to kiss his cheek. “What do you fancy for dinner? Steaks on the barbecue?”
“Sounds heavenly,” he said with a smile.
“I’m on it.”
Sophie went inside and flopped down on the sofa, ready to watch cartoons on the flatscreen, so I spoke with Elaine about supper. Then, I excused myself and went into the bedroom so I could speak with Kyle alone.
I did a quick search of my contacts and there was his name and number. It was the weekend, but he had always told Drake and I that we could contact him any time of the day or night.
So, I did.
He answered his cell on the second ring.
“Hello, Mrs. Morgan,” he said. “How are you?”
“Hi, Kyle. Please call me Kate. I’m fine. I wanted to ask if you could provide me with security. Drake’s out of the country, and I saw a strange man who seemed to be following me today. I remembered what you and Drake told me about how the family members of wealthy people are often ransom targets. I know it sounds silly, but could you put someone on us until Sophie and I leave for Kenya? We’re leaving on Tuesday.”
There was just a brief hesitation. “You say you saw a strange man following you? Can you describe him for me? That way I can let my team know who to be on the lookout for.”
“Sure,” I said and described the man as best I could, including the vehicle he was driving.
“A dark grey SUV. You think maybe a Honda.”
“That’s right. I remembered seeing it in the neighborhood, so when I saw it at the parking lot near the boardwalk, I remembered it. Then, he was walking along, and I felt like he turned away when I saw him, like he was trying to avoid me seeing him.”
“I’ll get right on it. Rest assured there will be someone watching you tonight. I’ll call you with the details.”
“Thanks, Kyle. Don’t say anything to Drake about this. I don’t want to worry him. He has enough on his plate right now.”
“I won’t say a thing.”
I ended the call and exhaled in relief. It felt good to know there would be someone watching us until Sophie and I left on Tuesday.
For the next couple of hours, I spent the time cooking and enjoying a meal with my parents and Sophie. Then, around eight, I corralled Sophie into bed and kissed her goodnight after reading her a story.
I closed the door behind me and went down the hallway just in time for my cell to ring.
It was Kyle calling me back.
“Hey, Kate. Just wanted to let you know that you have a team on you. When you go out, just look for the red cup on the dash or the red button on the lapel and you’ll know it’s our guy.”
“Thanks, Kyle. This makes me feel so much better.”
“You’re very welcome. Is there anything else?”
I hesitated. “Do you have someone who could find the man who was following me? And why? I’m just worried that someone is targeting us because of Drake’s wealth. Do you have a PI or someone with investigative background?”
“We most certainly do. The man I sent is a former Military Police and has done some private investigating for families before. I’ll ask him to monitor the neighborhood for anyone who doesn’t belong there and look into it for you. How does that sound?”
“Sounds perfect. Thanks, Kyle. You’re a Godsend.”
“I don’t know about that, but I’ll take the compliment.”
I ended the call and sighed heavily.