Page 29 of Drake Eternal

I didn’t reply, glad to be able to sit in the limo’s quiet cool interior. Alone.

John closed the door for me, and I fastened my seatbelt. Outside on the street, Carlton stood and mimed a phone held to his hear.

“Call me,” he yelled as we drove off.

“Not likely,” I said under my breath, glad that it was finally over.

I arrived home by half-past twelve and after thanking John and asking him to wait to give Karen Mills a ride home, I took the elevator to the penthouse. Karen was seated in the sectional watching something on the flatscreen, a magazine in hand.

“You have fun?” she asked as she stood and grabbed her bag.

“I was pestered by this suitor who wouldn’t take my hints about being a happily married mother of two.”

“That’s always fun,” Karen said with a laugh. “Some men…”

I walked her to the door as we talked about how the evening went.

“Sophie was a dream. We watched a movie and ate popcorn and then she had a bath and went to bed. No problem. We should all have such good-natured children.”

“We’re very lucky and we both know it,” I said and held the door for her while she pressed the elevator button. “John is waiting outside to take you home. Thanks again.”

“No problem. Call me whenever you need a sitter.”

I waved at her goodbye and then went into the apartment, sighing with relief that soon, we’d be on the plane to Nairobi, and I would be back in the arms of the love of my life.

Until then, I had to pack and get ready for our trip out to the beach house so I could say goodbye to my father and Elaine.

I yawned, and then checked in on Sophie, who was fast asleep.

She was such a good-natured child, so easy going.

We truly were lucky.


The next day dawned bright and sunny, and I was glad for some clear skies for a change. When I arrived at the hospital, I stopped into the cafeteria for a coffee and bagel, and saw Sam there with Paul, of course. They were in line ahead of me, so I hung back and examined the muffins for as long as possible to avoid any contact between us.

They paid and went into the cafeteria, so I made my way to the cash register, paid, and then went back out the entrance, hoping to avoid Sam.

It worked — at least temporarily.

I almost made it to my office before she caught up with me.

“I filed a complaint against you,” she said, her expression murderous.

“Michael told me last night. You know it’s a lie. Just like the lie you told claiming that you were my resident when we had a sexual relationship. You were Michael’s resident. I was a visiting surgeon. I was not your supervisor. You need to get your story straight and stop making shit up.”

“I was young and inexperienced and vulnerable,” Sam hissed, her eyes narrowed. “You took advantage of me as someone who was older and in a position of authority. I could have filed a complaint about you then, trying to get me interested in bondage and dominance.”

“I was in no position of authority over you, unlike you with Paul. You’re the one who’s breaking the rules. And you are the one who’s filing false complaints.”

I went into my office, and she remained outside the door, thankfully.

“You’ll get what’s coming to you,” she said, almost growling.

“Is that a threat?” I turned to face her, not budging.

“It’s a promise.”