I know he knows. And I know he will never forgive me. Whatever we had, whatever we were to each other, whatever could have been, it’s done. You can see it on a person’s face, when they’re really, truly done with you, and I see it now.
The shock leaves him in a rush, and Aris acts.
As his movements were playful caresses before, they are the opposite now; he grabs my shoulders with the speed of a viper and slams me against the mattress so hard that my teeth clack together from the impact. I open my mouth to scream on instinct, but he clamps a hand over it, and his other hand bands beneath my breasts so tightly that I can’t inflate my lungs to breathe.
I immediately gasp at the pressure against my ribs and the searing pain that shoots through me in protest. His cold hand presses even tighter, fingernails digging into my cheeks.
It was attractive moments ago, how powerful his body is, like reinforced steel. Now, it is a weapon angled in my direction.
As scared as I am, I feel alive, almost electrified. The rune has been dull the past few weeks, but it’s suddenly active, shooting energy through me like a livewire. I don’t know if he can feel it, but it pulses toward his hold on me. Going into him.
“Mary,” he grits out.
I stare back, unable to speak, unable to move. If he kills me, will the magic stop working?
“Was it real?” he asks. “Any…” He is so furious—with himself, with me and my trick—that he struggles to get the words out.
Finally, he manages, through trembling rage and clenched teeth, “Was any of it real?”
I know what he means: Did I kiss him just to betray him?
I meaningfully look at the hand he has over my mouth, and he inches it back with a scowl. Then, I resist his hold on my stomach slightly, to indicate that I wish to sit up. I know that I’m not getting out of this, and I am not fighting my fate. But there’s something I’d like to do first.
For whatever reason, he allows me this, relenting as he stares hard and hatefully at me. I move closer, bringing my face inches from his own. God, but he is beautiful.
“Good game,” I say and press my lips to his for the last time.
He goes stiff and doesn’t react when I pull back. By now, the buzzing under my skin has faded. I’ve no idea if it was from the mark or just adrenaline, but it’s leaving, exhaustion catching up with me.
Aris looks away and down at the comforter, eyes narrowing while I wait for what comes next. I am scared—only an idiot wouldn’t be. But I’m still smiling. He can do what he wants to me. Make me a slug, zap me into dust. Eviscerate my soul, if I even have one left. Destroy me utterly.
But none of that changes anything. It doesn’t change that I bested him.
A good minute of silence passes, while I remain still and braced. I cannot fight my fate and won’t amuse him by trying, but he will not catch me by surprise. I won’t give him that.
Eventually, his head tilts to the side, and he looks at me. “Who are you?” Aris asks.
Chapter sixteen
We look at each other.
The lines on his face are smoothed out, the way they were minutes ago when he was relaxed. The hardness has left his eyes, as if I never betrayed him. As if he never betrayed me.
As if we never met.
“What?” I say. My terror clings, uncertain if it should leave.
“What?” he parrots, studying me. “Do we know each other?”
I don’t say anything, continuing to stare. He perks a brow, staring back, and I’ve no idea how to react. Did Aris figure out my plan and he’s just mocking me?
Or did it actually… work?
“We do. My name is Mary,” I say, carefully watching his reaction.