She smiles at me, then curtsies. “As you wish. My queen.”
Nora turns to the others to begin barking orders, each complying reluctantly, while I stay frozen. Out of everything that’s happened tonight, that word has disturbed me the most.
Queen. It cuts so beautifully.
It mocks me. It implies I’m his partner, when she knows I am not. I’m more like a court jester than a queen.
The group darts toward the collapsing manor, and I start walking backward to provide as much distance as I can from the manor. From them.
With my gaze fixed on the manor, my foot catches on a hole, and I go tumbling toward the ground, landing on my back. For the second time tonight, I can’t breathe because of the pain and lack of air, and I shut my eyes in frustration.
Why? I ask God. Maker.
Why me? Why this? Whatever you are, wherever you are, you couldn’t have meant for this.
And of course, the creator doesn’t answer. Even if Maker could hear me, why listen? He has no wants, no needs. He gave them away, to his disturbed sons.
“Get up.”
My eyes shoot open at the command, squinting at the figure before me—a thin boy in his late teens. He’s wearing a beanie and jacket, despite the blaze, and stares down at me like I’m an inconvenience.
“What?” I rasp, confused. Is the smoke getting to me? His voice almost sounded like…
The boy’s eyes flash gold. “Get up,” he says again.
My excitement mingles with fear, and I scramble off the ground, every part of me aching. Meanwhile, he just watches, though he’s fully capable of assisting.
“What are you doing here?”
“I needed to speak to you, and I cannot go inside,” he says.
Does that mean that he set the fire? I hear screams in the distance again. “Where’s Aris?” I ask.
“There is so much chaos in the world that even he cannot keep it straight. I doubt he’s noticed this mishap yet.”
I pause. It’s strange to see Jaegen like this, only inches taller and weighing even less. There is a sense of otherness around the edges of his form, but, with a casual glance, he could be anyone off the street. It’s so different from how he normally chooses to look. Maybe he’s trying to blend in?
“I needed to speak to you, too,” I say after recovering from my surprise. “I don’t know if the magic is working.”
“Yes, I know. And now, I see why.” His eyes narrow. “You’ve been fooling around.”
I actually stumble aback, offended. Is he serious? Fooling around? I’ve subjected myself to Aris’ terrors for weeks now, witnessing his massacres, entertaining him, performing. And that isn’t good enough?
I have given everything.
Anger seizes through me, and I start toward him. "How can you—!”
The hand at his side lifts, fingers curling inward as if crushing an unseen object in his palm—my throat, I quickly learn. My breath wheezes as I inhale sharply, struggling to suck in air through the sliver of an opening in my throat.
"Stop. Talking.” His voice is a growl that deepens as his fingers curl tighter, balling into a fist. The pressure grows at the movements, my face growing hot.
My eyes water, I see stars, and I think I’m about to pass out. “Please!” I squeak. “I’ve done… I’ve done everything you’ve asked. Look into my mind!”
Jaegen presumably does just that, then says, “Ah. I see now. You truly are that ignorant.”
With a sigh, he flicks his hand, and I collapse to the ground, wheezing and half-sobbing as I gulp in polluted, noxious air.