Page 64 of Possession

I am not petty.

Henry’s face softens. Has he forgiven me? It’s hard to think with Aris buzzing in my head. “I said that I just want to help you,” he says.

And why would he want that, do you think?

Finally, I turn away from Henry to stare at the wall, focusing on Aris entirely. Would you be quiet? I snap.

Who are you to order me? His rage, which has been slowly swelling, suddenly flushes high, as it fights to counter my own. Who are you to refuse—

There is a strange, sudden jerk, as if someone has quickly pushed on my shoulders. It isn’t forceful, not even strong, but everything briefly goes black. It lasts for half of a second, maybe even half of that. I am in the dark for a blink, and then, I’m somewhere else entirely.

I look around, finding myself in a setting of books, dim lighting, and a crackling fireplace: the upstairs library. The moon shines through one of the windows in the tower, illuminating the many books laying haphazardly on the ground of the upper levels. It looks like nearly every shelf has been rifled through and stands nearly bare, books littering the floor.

Mary. Aris’ voice echoes inside my head, relief trailing after like rippling water.

I’m in an old, velvet chair, one Aris and I used many times while combing through books. On the table before us are papers littered with sigils and glyphs, undoubtedly magical.

I scratch my head, confused. “What…?” I say, then blink. I’m in control, but I don’t remember walking upstairs. The realization chills me. “It happened again, didn’t it?”

You went away, Aris tells me gently. Softly. So at odds from how he was speaking to me just a second ago. But it wasn’t a second ago—not for him.

How long was it this time?

One month.

“A month?” I yell. How is that possible? It was days before!

My head whips to survey the library again, as if answers lay in the stacks, but I soon forget my objective at the sight of Ryan lumbering in the corner. He stands tall and silent and stares straight at me, the corners of his eyes tight, unable to hide his distaste at my presence. Just looking at him makes me want to cower and bring Aris up front, but I’ve been gone long enough.

A knock at the door makes me jump. “Hello?” someone calls from the other side. “Is she back? I thought that I heard her voice.”

I stare at the paneled wood door, speechless, shock making me stupid.

Say yes, Aris tells me, amused. You are here, after all.

“Yes,” I say slowly.

The knob twists, and in comes Henry, as handsome as ever. He gives me a white-toothed grin. “Mary? It’s good to have you back.”

I try not to visibly react to the sight of him, but I can’t help but relax. I relax. He’s still here. Henry is still helping me; he hasn’t left.

In his arms are a stack of books, his wand resting on top. His biceps test his shirt as he carries everything over, setting it on the table in front of me with a thump. I try to read a few of the titles, but most are written in a language that I don’t recognize. One is in Latin, I know that much, and it says “Deus” on its trim. I’d have a better chance at decoding hieroglyphics than translating the others.

Henry draws my attention back to him by pushing a chair out, taking a seat next to me. “How are you?” Henry asks softly.

“This is… It’s kind of a lot.” That’s kind of the understatement of the century, but I don’t know what else to say. I’m still in shock, to be honest, shaking my head unwittingly. “Is it really March?”

“It is,” Henry says and gives me a reassuring smile. “I’m sure that you have a lot of questions, but don’t worry. We didn’t waste any time. We’ve been pouring over books.”

I glance at the various tomes before me, then at Henry’s own stack. Yes, I can see that. They’ve had so much time to read. Time where I was… where? What had I been, exactly?

All I remember is that flash of darkness…

“What are you looking for?” I ask in a fool’s attempt to distract myself.

“To find a way to alter the amulet.”

My brows furrow. “He told you about that?”