Page 12 of Possession

Not now!

Just as she frees herself and comes stalking towards me again, I run to my DVD collection in a panic and start throwing disced containers at her. Most go too low or too far with false aim, and she just slaps aside the ones that do come close. Her smirk is gone, and she looks less amused now.

Before I can throw anything else, I’m pulled up by the collar of my shirt, one hand gripping the cotton, the other reaching for my neck. Cera strokes the soft skin there, and I go still.

This is the first person to touch me in three years.

Rage hits me so abruptly that I almost buckle forward, but I manage to lock my knees in time. No one touches you, Aris hisses from within me. You are mine. My host.

I’m not surprised by the reaction—he is always territorial, but seriously? Is this really the time?

Before he can respond, Cera’s hands go to the amulet, which draws both of our attention. I stop moving, breath catching, and Aris also goes quiet, setting his anger aside. I’m expecting her to maybe pull at it to test its strength but what she does instead is much stranger: her pointer finger lightly touches the ruby in the center of it, and black tendrils weave out of the corners of the stone, slowly shifting towards the core of the ruby.

“What are you doing?” I cry and try to jump away, but Cera keeps a firm hold on the necklace. I pull left hard, but the cord is unbreakable and her grip is strong, so I only manage to hurt the back of my neck.

What is she doing, Aris? What’s happening?

I don’t know, he says, sharing my surprise.

In just a few seconds, the red stone is as black as obsidian. It also feels heavier, and warm against my sternum. Cera smiles and drops her hold on the amulet and my shirt, taking a step back. Whatever she was doing, it’s seemingly complete.

I take my eyes off of her briefly to pick the pendant up, furiously trying to find familiarity in the sudden change. The edges are the same, as is the cord and the setting, but why is it black now? What has she done?

Did she free Aris?

I’m still here, though… He pauses as he does when he reads, soaking in new information. A sudden rush of elation—genuine, unadulterated joy—almost makes me stumble. Mary, I can hear her thoughts!


She is here to free us. She was hired by a shadow association. We can’t trust her, but our goals align.

Our goals being what exactly?

I go rigid with terror. Aris, how can you read minds? I ask.

She did something to the stone. It must have freed some of my powers.

Where he feels triumph, I only feel horror. If Aris’ power, all of his power, is freed, there’s no telling what havoc he’ll wreak. I only heard the beginning of the newscasts before he possessed me and we were taken away, but there were descriptions of utmost savagery and chaos.

He darts around my body, stretching, testing boundaries, no doubt wondering what else he can do. After being powerless for so long, he’s hungry for more; I can feel his appetite, ravenous, beneath the surface. He’s had a taste of power, and now he wants more. More, more, more.

To him, this is a drop in an ocean. Mindreading is nothing to Aris, but the fact that it’s returned means that his other abilities might as well. And if they do, he will only get stronger from here on out.

No. No.

You should be happy. I’m giving you valuable information here—the woman is on our side.

I’d almost forgotten about her in the wake of this bombshell. She doesn’t seem nearly as dangerous now. What is one murder in the face of billions? Aris is gaining power. That’s what’s important. What if he gets out? What if he hurts me?

I said I would not.

No, you said that you wouldn’t let her hurt me.

There’s a flush of pride on his end. Clever girl. Words can deceive. Now, don’t be so negative. This is a good thing. We’ll be free now.

We shouldn’t be free! We’re dangerous! You’re dangerous!

You wanted freedom when the mage offered it.