“I get it. I think I spent my entire first shift blushing when I started here.” He gives me a conspiratorial wink.
I take a sip of my drink, then chug the rest down and request another.
“Pace yourself, Frey. We have all night to get up to all kinds of mischief.”
“Can we go up to the voyeur level?”
“There’s my bestie! You don’t have to ask me twice.”
Eli supplies us with another round before we head upstairs to where it all began. As we ascend the staircase and the room comes into view, it’s like a physical blow to my chest—the memory of seeing Dr. Harrison across the room. He made my knees weak as we danced and his lips felt as they pressed to mine in that first, soul-destroying kiss.
There are many couples, throuples, and more scattered throughout the space in various stages of undress, and my breath catches when I see a woman writhing on top of a table as one man feasts between her thighs and another is fucking her mouth.
“You okay, Frey?” Celest nudges my elbow, a little minx smile playing on her delicate features.
“They’re all so… free.” Excitement blooms in my chest as I take in the beauty of all I see around me. It truly is beautiful to me.
“That’s because they are. Free to embrace their sexual appetites and revel in the ecstasy of connecting with other souls.” Celest isn’t usually so insightful. She’s an amazing friend, and I love her to death, but this is new territory for us. She’s the only person—other than Daddy—I’ve shared my wants and desires with.
“Have you done this before?”
“Yes,” she says with a shy grin. Something I’ve never seen from her.
“How did it feel?”
“How did you feel when Master Harrison ate you out?”
“Dangerous. Thrilling. It was…”
“Yeah. But afterward, I felt an oppressive guilt settle over me.”
“That’s why you need to keep doing your training, Frey. There’s nothing for you to feel guilty about. Everyone in here consents to anything that happens.” She takes my hand in hers and walks us slowly around the room, moving between naked bodies in the throes of passion.
“She loves to have your eyes on her as she pleasures her Dom.” I follow her line of sight to a beautiful brunette on her knees, her legs spread as she takes her Dom’s cock in her mouth, moaning in delight as her eyes find mine. Holy shit. A jolt of desire strikes my core. “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Celest’s voice brings me back to the room.
“Does it turn you on?”
“I… well…”
“It’s safe to voice your desires here, with me. It doesn’t leave this club. I would never betray your trust. No one you meet here would ever divulge your secrets. That’s why this place exists.”
“Yes, it turns me on. It makes me want to try it, but I don’t know if Daddy would like it.”
“Master Harrison will give you a lesson in voyeurism, participation, and observation.”
A thrill courses through me. “Why do you refer to him as Master? He’s not your Dom.” The words come out cattier than I intended.
“Because I command respect from all submissives, little one.”
His voice douses the flame of my arousal like an ice bucket. He’s not supposed to be here.
“Daddy?” I turn to face him, looking impossibly handsome. It’s the first time I’ve seen him in this setting without a mask, and he is a thing of beauty. A Greek god.
“On your knees, eyes to the floor.”