“What about your phone?”
“He gave me this.” I reach into my purse and hold out the cell he gave me as we take the elevator to the club lobby.
She snatches it from my hand. “You have a Dom phone? It’s like the bat signal but for kink! Holy shit.”
“Not normal?” I say with trepidation.
“No. How often do you talk or message?”
“Every day. He has me call him after his driver drops me off at night.”
“You have a driver?” she exclaims.
I grab the phone back and toss it in my purse. “Can I even call myself a submissive? Why isn’t he training me properly?”
“He is, Frey, but he’s not training you to be someone else’s submissive. He wants to make you his submissive.”
“You’re wrong. You just said a minute ago that training is all he’ll ever see me as.”
She stares me down as the doors ping open. “Fuck what I said. Masters don’t call or text unless it’s an instruction. They don’t send drivers for a three-month sub. Heck, he’s already contracted you for six. You have all the power here, Frey. Whatever you want from him, he’ll do. You must’ve been one amazing virgin.”
“That’s not funny.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be. Frey, I know you’re new to the lifestyle, and I am so thrilled that you and I share this now, so I would never make fun of you for your lack of experience. I learned the hard way that vanilla wasn’t for me. I tried to shove that square peg into a round hole for years. You knew what you wanted and didn’t settle for anything less. I admire that about you, and I’m sure Master Harrison does too.”
“I need a drink.”
Celest takes my hand in hers, drags me into the dark, decadent bar, and sits me down on a stool.
“What can I get you ladies?” Even the bartenders here are hot. It’s insane. This guy could be a Calvin Klein underwear model.
“Hey, Eli. My friend here needs a celebratory drink. Give us two of your fanciest cocktails.”
He looks at me. “What are you celebrating? A birthday? New job?”
“I saved a patient’s life in surgery this week.”
“Wow!” He looks dumbstruck. I forget sometimes that it’s not part of most people’s job to save a life. “Two cocktails coming up.”
He busies himself behind the bar, and I turn my attention to the amazing décor surrounding us. “I haven’t been back in this part of the club since the night of the masquerade.”
“Why not? It’s awesome.”
“I was trying to remain anonymous, and I wasn’t about to come and sit in here with my mask on.”
“You worry way too much what other people think of you, Frey. You could walk in here wearing a flashing neon sign that says, ‘I love cock’ and you’d get nothing but high-fives. Honestly, let your hair down for once in your life.”
“You forget that the last time I did that, my boss was licking me out with I don’t know how many strangers watching.”
“Exactly! Only good things can come from letting your hair down and your legs spread.” Her timing is impeccable as always, the bartender serving our drinks as she references my spread legs.
“Cel. We don’t need to be talking about that in front of poor Eli here.”
A broad, panty-melting smile meets my gaze. “Trust me, I’ve heard worse in here.”
“I’m…” I turn to Celest. “I’ve got nothing. Help me out.”
“She’s a newbie. People openly discussing kinks gets her panties in a wad.”