“Six months? That’s how long you want me?”

“Yes. I’ll make sure you have the best sex of your life, little one. All you have to do is fill out the forms and sign on the dotted line. You can do this. We can do this.”

“If I complete them tonight, when can I see you next?”

“I’ve put my schedule on the calendar I created. Check it tonight and see when you have time. We can take it from there.” My heartbeat picks up, galloping to new heights at the thought of seeing him again.


“Say yes, little one. I promise you won’t regret it.”

“Okay.” It’s all my brain can manage while enthralled by every word that leaves his lips. The memory of how those lips felt at the apex of my thighs has me panting.

“Is my girl frustrated?”

“Yes, Sir.” If he were here with me, the rapid rise and fall of my chest would give me away.

“Tell me, have you been a good girl? I told you not to touch what’s mine.”

“I’ve been good, Sir.” Just speaking those words to him makes me squirm in my bed. Why do I crave his approval? He would be none the wiser if I slipped my hand between my legs to ease the ache I feel whenever he’s on my mind.

“You’ll be rewarded the next time you come to my private room.”

“Do you usually use the voyeur room?”

“That was the first. It’s a new floor of Venom.”

“What about…” I stutter over my words.

“Are you asking if people have watched me having sex before?” I don’t respond, too nervous to speak. “The answer is yes. I’ve explored a lot of kink, and I know what I like now.”

“Will you expect me to have sex in front of people?” I’m not sure which answer I want him to give.

“That depends on you, little one. If it’s a hard limit, then no, I would never ask you to do that. If it’s something you want to try, then I’ll make it happen.”

“Do I have to decide right now?” Butterflies take flight in my stomach, swarming as arousal builds. I look over the papers in my hand, thinking I might let this man do anything he wants to me. That I want him to make the decisions for me because something is holding me back, and I’m certain I am getting in my own way at this point.

“Of course not. First, you need to complete the forms. Then, we take it one lesson at a time. If and when you feel comfortable enough, you can choose where we have sex and who’s watching.”

Holy Mother of all that is good and pure. I want this man more than my next breath.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“It will be my pleasure. We’ll talk soon, okay?”


“Goodnight, little one.”

“Goodnight, Sir.”

My pulse is racing when the call ends, already starved for his attention. I want it all. Setting the papers out in front of me, I start filling them out, one by one.

Sexual History

An STI test is required by both parties prior to any sexual interaction. Please attach results.

Have you previously had an STI? No