“Then we’ll begin.” I open the file of papers and start at the beginning.

“I have a questionnaire here. Some basic information I require. You can leave your name blank… for now. I would usually create a three-month agreement with a prospective submissive, but I get the feeling I am your first foray into the lifestyle. Am I right?”

“Yes, Sir. I have no experience.” A wave of pride rushes through me at the knowledge. I’ll be the one to find every last one of her kinks.

“I am proposing that we have a six-month contract. You need time to explore your likes and dislikes. Your soft and hard limits. I will be your safety net. Put your trust in me, and I’ll help you become the submissive you crave to be.” My pulse is racing as I put forward my desire for more time. This is a first for me, but I already know three months won’t be long enough.

“I’d like that.”

“Here.” I hand her the first sheet of paper. “You will take this home, take your time to read it over, and complete it to the best of your ability. This first page is standard.”

I watch as her eyes go wide as saucers when she starts reading.

“Sexual history, birth control, STI testing. They are all items that need to be discussed prior to any physical contact.”

Her shoulders slump. My girl is disappointed. “We’ve already had physical contact.” Her voice is barely above a whisper.

“That was an error on my part. Parties don’t generally require contracts. I got carried away. I apologize, especially given your inexperience.”

“I liked it.” Her shy smile cracks me wide open.

“So did I. That’s why I want to make sure you feel comfortable every step of the way.”

As I hand over the next page, I’m hesitant. I don’t want to overwhelm her.

“This is a list of possible activities… preferences. It’s not an exhaustive list, so if there is anything you would like to try, just add it at the bottom. You can have as many or as few as you choose.”

I hand over the next sheet. “This page is meant to ascertain what you do not want to do. They are generally categorized as soft and hard limits.”

“What is the difference? How will I know which is which?”

“Soft limits are things you don’t necessarily want to try but would trust me to show you if I think you will like it. Hard limits are activities that you will not participate in at all. As your Dominant, I will never cross that line or force you to do anything you explicitly tell me not to.”


“This is a lot of information, little one.”

“Yes, Sir.” God, I want to kiss her.

“That’s why I want you to take it home and consider it well before we move forward. Shall I continue?”

“Yes.” The way her eyes sparkle through her mask—so innocent and wicked in equal measure.

“This…” I say, handing her the final paperwork, “… is the legal contract. It’s standard practice, but if you want to keep your anonymity, I can have a lawyer look at it and tell us how to proceed.”

“Is it necessary to have a legal contract? I… trust you.”

Fuck me. She undoes me, and I lean down, capturing her lips with mine in a long, sensual kiss. I would never consider proceeding without a binding contract, but with her, I find myself breaking the rules before we’ve even started.

“Let me speak with the lawyer, and we can discuss it further.”

Reaching into my pocket. I pull out a phone and hand it to her. “This is the phone you will use to contact me from this point on. I don’t want it used to speak with anyone else. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir. Can I ask why?”

“You can, and thank you for addressing me correctly. You’re doing so well, little one.” Her cheeks blush as I praise her, and she shifts on her heels, squirming as she patiently waits. “I have set up the Venom portal on this phone. Once you have read up on everything I’m sending you away with tonight, you can input as much information into your profile… the one you set up for the masquerade ball. I also had them create an email address for you. Anything to do with our relationship as trainer and trainee will be sent to this address. I also took the liberty of having the head of security ensure you can send anything I may ask of you, and it will be completely secure. As much as I enjoyed the voice memo you cut short, I wouldn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands.”

“What kind of things might you ask of me?”