“I understand.” This guy has an even better poker face than Pierce. He’s giving nothing away.
“I conducted my final interview yesterday, and it cemented my decision.”
Shit. This isn’t going to go my way. I have offers from John’s Hopkins and Vanderbilt, so I won’t be jobless, but a small part of me was holding out hope for the position here.
“I am pleased to offer you an attending position here at NYU Langone.”
What? I can stay here. With Pierce. Oh my God. I’m an attending at the top neurology hospital in the country.
“Obviously, you have time to consider the offer.” He pushes a manilla envelope across the desk. “I won’t rush you for an answer today, but the sooner you decide, I can make arrangements if I need to contact my second choice.”
My logical, surgical side kicks in, tempering the giddy fiancée in me. Yes, this is what I want, but the terms need to be good for my career moving forward. Pierce has taught me to demand the best and have confidence in my skill.
“Thank you, Dr. Milligan. I will read over the offer and get back to you as soon as possible.”
“Very well.”
With the envelope clutched in my hand, I exit his office and walk as quickly as I can without breaking into a run to the nearest on-call room. They’re usually empty at this time of day, and I just need a minute to gather my thoughts and read over the offer.
I twist the lock on the door before sliding my back down the pale wood until I’m sitting on the floor. My hands are shaking as I tear open the envelope that potentially holds the key to my career path. As much as I love Pierce, I won’t give up my career to make our relationship easier, and I know he wouldn’t want that either.
I gingerly tease the papers from the envelope, my heart racing as I read over the first page. My hand flies to my mouth to hold in the gasp that escapes me.
The offer is good.
The offer is really good.
The hospital is going to pay off my student loans on top of a very generous salary.
My face is sore from smiling too hard.
I pull my phone out of my pocket and fire off a quick text to Pierce, telling him to come find me when he has a minute. I’m so happy, I can’t wait to share the news with him. This is the culmination of so many years of tireless work, studying, night shifts, and sacrifices. It almost feels too good to be true.
I transferred to NYU Langone this year because I wanted to study under the best neurosurgeon in the country at the leading hospital for neurology. It was a dream come true when I got news of my transfer. I never could’ve imagined that he’d be the love of my life.
To have found such love in a kink club only makes me love him more. He has opened my mind and heart to so many new and exciting experiences. I’ve done things that scared me, thrilled me, and pushed me out of my comfort zone.
I love being his submissive. I respect him as my Dom, and it fills me with pride to know that he chose me and continues to choose me every single day.
There’s a knock at the door, and it startles me even though I’m expecting Pierce.
“It’s me, little one.”
A thrill courses through me as I pull him inside.
He fists his hands in my hair, leaning down to capture my lips in a heart-stopping kiss.
I lean my forehead against Pierce’s. “Did you mean what you said?”
“That you’ll never get enough of me.”
“One thousand percent. You’re mine. I’ll always want more.”
“Then I guess it’s good that I just got offered an attending position here.”
He lifts my chin, searching my gaze for any sign that I’m kidding. “Really? Are you serious? Milligan gave you an offer?”