I want to be strong for him, but I can’t contain my silent tears. The thought of anyone hurting him is devastating.

“My mom walked in and killed him. He died right there in my bedroom, and I was glad. I was glad that my father was dead.” His voice becomes hollow. “I thought it would be better, just me and my mom, but it broke her. She loved my dad, even though he beat the crap out of both of us. She loved him and blamed me for what happened. She drank herself to death, and I went into the system. I’ve been alone ever since. No one stays, little one. I wanted so badly to have that with you, and then I let my father win one last time, and it could cost me everything.”

I gently lift his chin, forcing him to see the love in my eyes. A love so overwhelming I still have to pinch myself to know it’s real. “We’re going to get through this. Together. I’m not going anywhere, Pierce. I love you with every fiber of my being. I love the man you are, the little boy who endured so much more than any one person should. I love you as a surgeon, a Dom, and a man who stood up to a bully to save another little boy from the same fate.

“The dream was different tonight. I was standing in the ER between that little boy and his father, except it was my father, and when I turned around to see the little boy lying broken in the bed… it was me. I had to save him. To save myself. I couldn’t let it happen again. I know I should’ve walked away, but I couldn’t, Freya. I couldn’t let that boy continue to be abused. The next blow could’ve been fatal.”

I press my lips to his, the saltiness of his tears so bittersweet. I’m so happy that he’s ready to open up to me, but knowing what he endured is heartbreaking. It’s why he struggles at times when I call him Daddy.

“You did the right thing, Pierce. You saved that little boy. He and his mom are safe now because of you. Is this why you feel unsure when I call you Daddy?”

“I love it, but I wonder if it’s because I’m fucked up.”

“Yes, it probably is. Just like I love it, knowing full well that it’s because my dad was never in the picture. It never upset me because I didn’t know any different. I have a lovely mom who did her best to put food on the table. What I’ve realized is that all of our experiences make us who we are, and if that translates to a kink we share in a committed and loving relationship, who cares! Do you enjoy being my Daddy?”

“More than I can express,” he admits, tucking an errant strand of hair off my face.

“And I love being your little one. Does it really matter what brought us to this place? We’re together, and that’s what’s important. You’re not alone anymore, Daddy. We’re family, and I will spend every day of the rest of our lives together showing you how much I love you.”

“That sounds like a plan.” His lips find mine in a soul-shattering kiss, and, for now, nothing can touch us. It’s just us, here, at this moment together until death do us part.

“Your honor, I have provided video evidence that my client was simply reacting to Mr. Lee’s attack. Dr. Harrison is a respected member of the community and is at the forefront of his field of neurosurgery. He placed himself in danger between an abusive husband and father. If not for his intervention, the next blow to the boy could very well have been fatal. We have heard from numerous character witnesses who speak to Dr. Harrison’s impeccable, professional behavior. We have also provided more than enough evidence of Mr. Lee’s violent nature to conclude that my client was in no way to blame for the altercation that night.”

The lawyer Nad suggested is the best defense lawyer in the state, and he doesn’t disappoint. I can’t even believe the case got this far. I thought the second they had the security footage, it would disappear. Instead, we’re here, and I’m hoping the judge and jury see sense and do the right thing.

“Does the prosecution have anything to add?”

They were trying to strike a deal last night. They know they have no chance of winning. They’ve seen the footage but thought they could leverage this case to lessen the one that will be brought against Mr. Lee by his wife.

Nad advised us not to make a deal with them, confident that the charges against Pierce wouldn’t hold up. I hope she’s right.

“We have nothing further, your honor.”

“Then the jury will adjourn to discuss the evidence provided and come to a verdict.”

Pierce’s jaw is tight as he sits at his lawyer’s side. Celest, Nad, Dalton, and Flex came to support him, and they’ve all been hovering around me all day. I’m pretty sure Pierce told them to look after me, never worrying for one second about himself.

Flex rests his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back to the room. “It’s going to be fine. The jury knows what happened. It’s open and shut.”

“Do you really think so, or did Pierce tell you that’s the party line?”

“Both. I do think he’ll walk out of here with a clean record today. I really do.”

“I hope so. Whatever happens here will have a direct effect on his career. He’s unbelievable in the operating room, Flex. He’s the best there is. Truly.”

“I believe you. He’s not exactly shy about bigging up his skills,” he jests, trying to lighten the mood. “Come on, pull up your La Perla panties, and let’s go give him some support.”

“Are you really going to lord it over me that you’ve seen my panties?” I say with a sly grin.

“Only until the next time you watch me jerk off for you. I’d say you have the upper hand here. Although, my cock is very impressive.”

“What makes you think there’ll be a next time?”

“Your penchant for fucking on the voyeur floor. I hear you put on quite the show with Celest. What are the chances that’s how you want to celebrate Pierce’s freedom?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

“I’m sure Celest would put on a show for you, Flex.”

She turns at the mention of her name. “What would I do?”