“I’ll explain later. I need to get in touch with Dalton Callaghan. It’s urgent.”
“What’s going on, Frey?”
“Please. I promise I’ll fill you in later, but I really need to speak with him. Can you help me?”
“Genevieve will have his number. I’ll call her right now and forward the number as soon as I get it.”
“Thank you so much, Cel.”
“Sure. Is everything okay with Master Harrison?” I can hear the concern in her voice, but I have to hold it together right now.
“I hope so. Thanks for doing this for me. I need to go. I’ll call you later.”
“You know you can talk to me about anything, right? We’re still friends.”
“Okay. I’ll text you soon.”
I hang up the call and head for the Chief of Surgery’s office. I need to get out of here and down to the police station. I’ve got five hours left on my shift, but I’ll be more of a hindrance in my current state of mind.
I hurry through the hospital, everyone gaping at me as I pass. Gossip spreads like wildfire around here, so I would expect nothing less. When I reach Dr. Milligan’s office, he’s already up and throwing the door open to meet me.
“What the hell is going on, Dr. Perrington? Why am I hearing that my Chief of Neuro just got escorted out of the ER in handcuffs?”
“It’s his story to tell. I came to ask if I can leave to go to the police station.”
“Fine. Go. But you tell Pierce I want him in my office the second he gets out.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you.” I don’t wait around for him to change his mind.
Celest is true to her word, and by the time I reach my car in the parking lot, I have Dalton’s number.
It only rings twice before he answers. “Dalton Callaghan.” He has the same commanding tone as Pierce.
“Hello, Mr. Callaghan. You don’t know me, but my name is Freya Perrington. I’m Pierce’s… I work with Dr. Harrison.”
“I know who you are. Why are you calling me?” He knows who I am.
“There was an incident at the hospital tonight. He asked me to call you.”
“Is he okay? Is he hurt?”
“Physically, he’s fine. I think. He got into an altercation with a patient’s father. I didn’t see it happen, but when I got down to the ER, Pierce was in handcuffs, and the police took him to the station. I’m on my way there now.”
“Okay, I’m going to get Naddie, and we’ll meet you there.”
“Thank you.” I start the car and peel out of the parking lot way too fast, but the need to get to Pierce is a physical pain in my chest.
When I arrive, they won’t tell me anything, and I feel so helpless as I sit and wait. The moment Dalton comes barreling through the door, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. His wife is at his side, and they look every inch the power couple.
She steps up to the front desk.
“I want to speak with my client. Now. Dr. Pierce Harrison.”
Dalton takes a seat next to me, resting his elbows on his thighs. “What the fuck happened? Pierce wouldn’t throw down with anyone, let alone a patient’s parent.”
“I think the boy was being abused.”