When I arrive home, I head straight to my closet to get out of this penguin suit. I’m down to my boxer shorts when my phone rings. It’s her.

“Hello, little one.”

“Hello, Sir.”

“How was your evening?”

“Torture.” I love the bite in her voice. She’s got moxie.

“You didn’t enjoy being a dirty girl?”

“I loved it, but I was working. I felt like everyone was looking at me. Like they knew.”

“Maybe they did. Would it really matter?”

“Why do you frequent a club that requires an NDA? People judge the lifestyle harshly. Of course it matters.”

“Tell me, little one, what do you do for a living? Where do you work?”

“Details that do not need to be divulged.”

“You put so little faith in me. How can you trust me with your submission but not with the most meager of details regarding your person?”


“Lost for words, little one. I should put that mouth of yours to good use.”

“Does that mean you will allow me back into your playroom, Sir?”

“That depends entirely on you. Come to me when you’re ready to divulge at least your first name.”

“But, Sir…”

“That is my final decision. As much as I crave your submission in the bedroom, I desire your trust more. Goodnight, little one.”

I end the call, not to punish her, but to stop myself from giving in. I cannot ask her to meet me at Venom. As much as it pains me, she needs to come back of her own volition, willing to afford the small mercy of her name. Until then, I will throw myself into teaching elsewhere.

Chapter 10


It’s been a week since I last spoke with Sir. I miss our interactions, and my body craves his touch. Work keeps me busy, but in the rare moments of silence, I find myself at war. I promised myself I wouldn’t let my personal life encroach on my choice to pursue becoming a submissive.

I didn’t take into consideration that I would grow attached to my Dom outside of the playroom. My naivety clearly extends to more than my virginity. I thought it could be a simple transaction. A contract devoid of feeling. I never imagined I would enjoy submitting to Sir in my day-to-day life.

I pride myself on being an independent, self-made woman. Anyone who truly knows me understands how much it means to me. My work is my identity—my reason for breathing in and out.

Growing up, I didn’t fit in. No one thought me special except my mother, but that’s her job. Moms love you unconditionally. I was the reason she lost my father, and yet she never once held it against me. He wanted nothing to do with her after she told him she was pregnant.

My mother picked herself up, refusing to fall apart over a man who could overlook his own daughter. She taught me never to give a man so much power over my life in any capacity. I have never given a man control, and yet that’s what intrigues me most about becoming a submissive. I’m different from other women. I’ve never been one to consider relationships with men a priority. The few I have tried to connect with wanted one thing while professing something else.

Sir offers no such complications. I offer my body freely, without emotional entanglements. At least, that’s what I’ve told myself up until now. This past week has felt almost unbearable without our interactions. I have loved them as much as I loved being in his playroom. I want to please him and hear him praise me for being a good girl.

Giving my name may seem like such a small ask, but it’s what comes after that scares me. First my name, then my mask will be gone, leaving no barriers between Sir and me. I fear that when I set eyes on his face, it will only make me crave him more. Until today, I’ve been steadfast in my resolve to do the right thing and keep my distance.

It’s been a long and grueling day, and as I stand under the showerhead, letting it all wash away, I find myself wanting to hear his voice. Yes, I need to feel the way he made my body sing, but I’m just as anxious to let his words caress me.

With my mind made up, I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself before reaching for my phone. His phone. He’s the only number saved to contacts. I hit call and wait.