Whip - Maybe
Additional Information:
Reading the list has me wet with arousal, moaning as I squeeze my thighs together to try and alleviate the growing ache. I’ve never even heard of some of these practices. The golden shower was an eye-opener. I can gladly say I never want to try it. Sir is sexy as hell, but it turns out I do have a line I won’t cross. I hope it’s not something he requires of his submissives.
Thinking about him with other submissives causes a knot deep in the pit of my stomach, and I consider the contract. It mentions fidelity of both Dominant and submissive. That means if I give myself over to him for six months, then he’s mine and mine alone for that same time.
I move on to the next sheet of paper.
Safeword: Lavender
Safe signal: clenching her fist three times
Hard Limits: fisting, group sex, golden shower
Soft Limits: pet
It’s easy enough, assuming the limits can be determined as my training moves forward. Now, onto the contract.
This agreement is entered into as a consensual training contract between _____________the Dominant, and _____________the submissive, to ensure respect and understanding is observed at all times. The nature of this contract is to provide the submissive with a safe place to train and explore her role as a submissive, under the tutelage of the Dominant. This includes exploration of her sexuality in accordance with the list of hard and soft limits provided, together with a list of sexual preferences. This agreement permits the Dominant to exercise control in a trusting environment with the submissive, allowing him to help ascertain her wants and needs. The submissive’s well-being, both in and out of the playroom will be respected at all times. Modifications to this agreement will be permissible if both parties agree. Revised documents would then be provided and signed. Should either party find themselves unfulfilled by this agreement, or they wish to terminate this training agreement for any reason, then either party may do so by written or verbal communication to the other.
The Dominant and submissive will be sexually exclusive to each other for the duration of the training contract unless a third party has been agreed upon by both parties.
Current date: _________________
Contract duration: six months.
2. Limits
The submissive will provide The Dominant with a list of soft and hard limits. The submissive agrees to the use of the safeword “Lavender” and will use it responsibly. In case speech isn’t possible during a scene, the safe signal “clenching her fist three times” will be implemented. The Dominant will respond accordingly where a safeword/safe signal is used, and all activity will cease. The Dominant will hold no resentment toward the submissive for enacting her safeword/safe signal, and no punishment shall be administered following the responsible use of the safeword/safe signal.
If a safeword/safe signal is not used, but the Dominant sees signs of distress, training for the evening will cease. The Dominant will then explain his reasoning to the submissive in order that she understands his decision as part of her training.
The Dominant will provide the submissive with a list of soft and hard limits. This is to ensure both parties are comfortable with all activity and are given equal respect.
See attached list of soft/hard limits provided by both parties.
3. Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of the Dominant and the submissive will be as follows:
The Dominant
The Dominant will always be honest, clear, and concise with the submissive. He will be sensitive to the submissive voicing her opinions and any concerns regarding her training, encouraging her to express her feelings without fear of reproach.
The Dominant hereby commits to undertaking the responsibility to train, discipline, and punish the submissive as he deems appropriate. The Dominant may use the submissive as he sees fit, but only in a healthy, rational state of mind. Punishment will never be administered from a place of anger.
The Dominant will maintain a healthy, positive attitude regarding the submissive’s life outside the playroom. He will be open to discussion regarding any concerns in her private life only when requested by the submissive. He will not isolate her from friends and family unless she is in a dangerous situation or has voiced concern.
The Dominant will respect the submissive at all times, unless the terms of this agreement are breeched.
The submissive