“Don’t you think I know that already, Joseph? Hindsight is twenty-twenty.”

I only get one side of the conversation, unable to hear what Dr. Milligan is saying. By Pierce’s demeanor, I’d say he’s giving a lecture.

“I understand.”

Shit! What does he understand? That the hospital can’t be associated with violence, even though Pierce was found innocent of any wrongdoing today? The firm set of his jaw gives me cause for concern.

“I know what you’re saying, and I appreciate you going to bat for me. My behavior was inexcusable.”

Now, I start pacing in the opposite direction, my heels stomping the sidewalk as I chew on my bottom lip. I can’t imagine a world where Pierce Harrison isn’t a neurosurgeon. He’s too talented, and he’s saved too many lives for it to be taken away by a child-abusing father, and I use the term ‘father’ loosely.

As I try to read Pierce’s expression, my heart lurches into my throat.

“Thank you, Dr. Milligan. I appreciate it.” He ends the call and shoves his phone in his pocket, his eyes meeting mine.

“What did he say?” My hands are shaking as I approach.

“I have bad news, little one.” Tears well in my eyes.

“No. They can’t do this to you.”

“It’s not me they’ve done it to. The bad news is for you. You’re stuck with me. I’m going to be riding your ass hard in the operating room on Monday. Can you deal with having me as your mentor again?” A sexy, heartfelt smile spreads across his chiseled, flawless features.

I rush into his arms, squeezing him as tight as possible. “Oh my God, why would you do that to me?” I laugh through tears of joy. “I can’t wait to be ridden by you, Dr. Harrison.”

“Jesus, little one, you’re going to make me hard as a rock in public.”

I bury my head in his neck, the scent of his cologne intoxicating my senses. “Since when has that bothered you, Daddy?”

He lifts me off my feet, spinning me around. “Thank you so much for sticking by me, little one. I was so worried that I’d taken your career mentor from you in one fell swoop.”

When he sets me down, I cup his face in my hands. “As much as I’m ecstatic to have you back in the operating room, it’s not for me. It is for all the lives you’re going to save. I have you in all the ways that matter to me. I have your heart, and you’ll always have mine. From now until forever. You’re my Daddy, and you are mine.”

“Always.” As his lips find mine, that one word holds the key to my life’s happiness. I’ve found the love of my life, and he’ll never let me go. I will love him with everything I have and relish the submission he commands. He’s my forever, and as we walk hand in hand back into the club and our friends, I know that I’m safe in his arms, and he will always be safe in mine.

Chapter 23


The familiar scents and sounds of the operating room seep into my very bones as I’m gowned and gloved, ready to reclaim my career with an understanding and reverence I’d long since forgotten over the years. My heart blooms with a contentment that extends outside the walls of this room.

“Annette, could you put on my playlist, please?”

“With pleasure, Dr. Harrison, and can I say on behalf of everyone here that we are thrilled to have you back.”

“The feeling is mutual. I appreciate all the support in my absence. Dr. Perrington passed on your well-wishes and encouragement. They meant so much to me during a difficult time. Now, let’s get down to the business of saving lives.”

“Sounds good to me.” Freya smiles as she steps up to my side.

“Good morning, Dr. Perrington. So glad you could join us.”

“It’s nighttime for me, Dr. Harrison. Some of us still work the night shift.” Masked for surgery, my little one can’t hide that feisty spark in her eyes.

“Rest assured, I paid my dues. Isn’t that right, Annette?”

“Yes, Doctor. Your fiancée is also mainlining coffee at an incredible rate. She reminds me of a young you.”

“That’s quite the compliment,” I jibe.