“No ‘buts,’ Daddy. It’s me and you against the world. This is going to go our way. I can feel it. Now, kiss me like you mean it, and let’s go.”
Dropping my hand, he cups my face, his lips crushing hard against mine, his tongue begging entrance which I freely give. Keeping my eyes tightly shut, I force myself not to cry. This isn’t a goodbye kiss. It’s a deep, primal expression of the love we’re going to share for the rest of our lives, which starts today after Pierce walks out of the courtroom a free man.
The walk across the street is quiet. Dalton and Flex flank us on either side, and Nad and Celest are at our back. I’m so nervous my hand is shaking as I cling to Pierce. If he notices, he doesn’t mention it, his demeanor somber and silent.
I swallow past the lump in my throat as he kisses my cheek and releases his hold on me, going to take his place at the front of the courtroom next to his lawyer.
You could hear a pin drop as we eagerly await the judge.
“All rise.”
A wave of nausea washes over me as I stand, Flex and Celest steadying me on either side. “Take a breath, Frey.” Celest links her hand with mine, giving me whatever strength she can at this moment.
As we sit back down, I fight to keep down what little I had for lunch.
“Have the jury come to a verdict?”
“Yes, your honor.” A gentle-spoken woman addresses the judge.
“And what say you?”
“We, the jury, find the defendant…” Time is endless as I wait to hear two words that give Pierce and me a lifetime, “… not guilty.”
I collapse against Flex, incoherent, babbling joy escaping my throat. “It’s okay, Frey. Everything’s okay.”
Before I know what’s happening, Pierce has jumped the barrier and is pulling me into his arms. “I’ve got you, little one.”
“Daddy,” I sob into his chest. I’ve been holding it all in, telling him everything will be fine, but there was a small kernel of fear deep in my gut, telling me we wouldn’t get our happily ever after. I didn’t realize until now just how gripping that fear really was.
“I’ll always have you, little one.”
Our friends usher us into the hallway before whooping and hollering, wrapping their arms around us. “It’s time to celebrate.”
“Not at the club. You two will just disappear the second we get there. We’re having a bonafide celebration tonight. I’m calling Carter. We’re going to Viper.” Flex knows us too well, and as much as I’d like to take Pierce home to our apartment and let him fuck me on every surface, in every room, I want to revel in this victory with the people who’ve been by our side through all of this.
“The man of the hour,” Dalton proclaims as he lifts a glass. There are so many of our friends from the club. Carter went all out in Viper’s VIP lounge. I’ve been taking it all in as I watch Pierce navigate the room, a genuine, heartfelt smile on his face, surrounded by friends—those who have quietly supported us and those who have been very vocal. “Pierce, you’re a good man, and I think I can speak for everyone in the room when I say what you did was noble. You stood up for those not strong enough to stand up for themselves. You’ve conducted yourself with your head held high, and we’re all so thrilled that the jury saw what we’ve always seen in you. So, let’s raise a glass to Pierce and to good winning out in the end. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.”
“Cheers,” the room answers collectively.
Pierce gives a solemn nod before lifting his glass to take a sip. I move to his side, wrapping my arm around his waist and resting my head against his shoulder. “He’s right, you know. What you did was noble, and I love you even more for it.” He faced his past and slew the dragon.
“Thanks, little one. I couldn’t have gotten through any of this without you.”
“Lucky that I’m not planning on going anywhere then. You’re stuck with me for life.”
“Promise?” he asks as he pulls me against his chest, his index finger slipping under my chin, forcing me to gaze up into his striking green eyes. I could get lost in them forever and be completely content.
“Yes, Daddy.”
His phone rings just as I’m about to drag him on the dance floor. “It’s Joseph.”
“Dr. Milligan?”
“Yeah. I’m going to go outside. I can’t hear anything in here.”
I’m surprised Dr. Milligan wasn’t at court today. Pierce quickly makes his way toward the exit, leaving the merriment with a serious expression on his face.
I follow him out, too nervous to wait for his return. There’s a line around the block outside Viper, people eager to get into the hottest club in Manhattan. The night breeze almost catches the bottom of my dress as I scurry over to where Pierce paces the sidewalk.