Page 68 of Strike Zone

“What?” Her annoyance is clear, and I can’t blame her, but I don’t have time for pleasantries.

“Sorry, Becky. You seem like a nice person, but there’s something I’ve got to do. Have a good night.”

I don’t wait for a reply. With renewed purpose, I stride across to where Anders and Carter are deep in conversation.

“Struck out already? You’re losing your touch, bro.” Anders lifts his glass to his lips.

“Diana’s pregnant. And it’s mine.”

A mist of whiskey and saliva coat my shirt when Anders chokes on a mouthful. “You better be fucking joking.”

“I’m not. She didn’t want to tell anyone before now.”

He’s up in my face in a heartbeat. “One fucking pussy. Stay away from one fucking pussy. That’s all I asked of you! Don’t fuck my sister-in-law unless you’re serious about her. And you couldn’t even manage that. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“It’s not like that. It started as a bit of fun, but I really like her.”

“Fan-fucking-tastic. You’ve ruined her life because you couldn’t keep your cock to yourself. I know you can be selfish, but this, I expected better.”

Carter steps between us. “I think you both need to step off right now.”

“Yeah, step the fuck off, Anders. I haven’t ruined anything. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m going to have a family. Yeah, it wasn’t planned, but we’re happy about it.”

“So the ‘we’re just friends’ has been a lie this whole time?”

“No. We’re not together.”

“You just said you knocked her up.”

“Yeah, and I want more, but she’s not there yet.”

“How could you be so fucking stupid?”

“I’m going to stop you before you say something you can’t take back. I haven’t ruined anything. You’re going to be an uncle. I’m going to be a dad, and I’m fucking terrified but also so damn happy I could burst. Rather than bawling me out, some support might be helpful.”

“I’m going to be an uncle.”

“Yeah, so if you use the words ruin, mistake, knocked up, pussy, or stupid concerning my kid or Diana, I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

Realization dawns as the harsh set of his brow softens. “You really like her.”

“I’m in love with her!” Saying it out loud, I acknowledge the truth of my words. I’ve been feeling this way for a while, but now that I just admitted it to Anders, I know what I have to do.

I have to tell Diana. Now.

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I have to go.” Maybe I can’t trust her one hundred percent and she’s not in love with me, yet, but it’s better to take the risk—right? I have to tell her.

“Where? We’re not done talking about this.”

“I have to tell her. It can’t wait.” Before he gets a chance to reply, I’m already making my way to the exit to hail a cab. I pull out my phone and dial.

“Hey, you. Having fun with the boys?”

“It was fine. How’s your night of sister bonding? Have you told Brooke yet?”
