“How are you doing after your bout of sickness? Is that why you’re not drinking?” I’ve been worried about her ever since that night I dropped her at her apartment. I had to assume she was okay when Anders didn’t mention her being unwell weeks later.
“I’m okay. Thanks for asking. Not that I deserve your concern. I was a total bitch to you that night… and every time before that. I have no idea why you would still want to talk to me.”
“Maybe I’m a sucker for a pretty face, or I have a high tolerance for bitchy.” I give her a playful wink and nudge her shoulder. Thankfully, she takes it in the manner it’s intended, that shy smile of hers creeping at the corner of her lips. It’s rare, but when you see it, it’s so fucking beautiful.
I’d slay dragons for one more glimpse of that smile.
Chapter Eleven
As predicted, my lushy family is good and drunk by the end of dinner. I’m not judging them because usually, I’d be on that train. Heck, I’d be the conductor. I am not ready to tell everyone I’m pregnant, but I won’t be able to hide it much longer. The baggy clothes are barely covering it now.
The tension between Linc and me is palpable every time our legs brush against each other under the table, whether by accident or on purpose. The same chemistry that landed us in this situation is about to change his entire life. Conversation flows, and we talk about anything light and inconsequential. I’m the only one who knows the world is about to be turned on its axis when Linc and I find a few moments alone. I’ve talked myself out of telling him at least five times throughout dinner.
During the starter, I convinced myself it would ruin Anders’ birthday weekend, which is a ridiculous reason not to tell Linc about the baby. The main course was a running loop of walk before you run. We should become friends before I upend his world with this bombshell. Holding off on telling him isn’t going to be a concrete foundation for a lasting friendship. During dessert, I had the most ludicrous of ideas. Basically, I had myself in a Jason Bourne scenario, where I go on the run with a new name, new passport, and no one ever finds out. The fundamental fly in the ointment is that I don’t want to do this alone, and I’d never see my family again. Like I said—ridiculous.
“Could we go somewhere and talk?” I make the mistake of leaning in, whispering in Linc’s ear, breathing in the intoxicating scent of his cologne. Every pregnant bone in my body wants to climb him and rut until I sate the beast that’s been desperate to get out. This heightened libido during pregnancy is no joke. My vibrators have been getting a workout. Stock in Duracell is probably on the rise because of me.
“I warn you it might not be a good idea for you to lean in this close.”
“Why is that?” I know the answer, but I want to hear him say it. Apparently, I like to torture myself.
“Because I may not have the wherewithal to stop myself from kissing you.” Butterflies take flight in my stomach, their wings fluttering until they keep time with my racing pulse.
“Maybe I wouldn’t stop you.”
He offers his hand, his eyes never leaving mine. As our fingers intertwine, a jolt of electricity courses through me, making me feel more alive than I have in months. He waits for me to take the lead, knowing the house better than he does. It only takes a split second for me to lead him upstairs to my room. It’s a bad idea, but right now, I want him in my space.
“I thought you wanted to talk. It’s a little presumptive to bring me straight to your room, southpaw.” He takes in our surroundings, cataloging every detail. I’ve never been happier that this isn’t some childhood time capsule. My parents bought this place five years ago, so there aren’t any embarrassing relics of high school lurking on the walls.
“It’s quiet.” My head is spinning. Morning sickness has been brutal and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“It is. A good place to… talk.” Running his hands through his dark messy hair, he glances at me with those ice-blue eyes, and I’m mesmerized by him as he darts his tongue out to wet his lips. The things those lips can do. There’s a growing ache between my legs, and I convince myself our conversation can wait a few hours.
I don’t jump him because, honestly, I’m so exhausted all the time that an all-out attack would sap the energy right out of me, so instead, I stand in front of him and stare up into his eyes. My breath is labored, and my hands are shaking, but I force myself to remain still, to let him take the lead, even though it goes against the grain for me.
“You look beautiful tonight, Diana.” My gaze drifts to the floor. “Why can’t you look at me when I say that?”
“Because I’m wearing a hoodie and jeans. Not exactly beautiful.” He slips his hand under my chin, gently lifting my gaze to meet his.
“You could be wearing a trash bag and look beautiful to me. When are you going to understand that? Now, tell me what you want to talk to me about.” He searches my eyes for answers that are stuck in the depths of my stomach, churning like a washing machine on spin cycle.
“Before I do, can you do something for me?”
“Kiss me.” He doesn’t hesitate or sweep me off my feet, but I’m definitely swept in every figurative sense of the word. He slides his hands into my hair, taking his time, letting his fingers tangle in my loose curls. I’m nervous, and yet there’s a serenity in his touch I’ve never felt before.
As he dips down to kiss me, he stops just shy of my lips, so close I can feel his breath as he speaks. “With pleasure.” His lips descend on mine in the softest of kisses with an intensity so great I feel it in the depths of my being. This goes beyond a passionate kiss. It’s a connection of some sort. Maybe I’m feeling it this way because I know we’re having a child together, and I wish I could stop time right now, at this moment, suspended in the perfect kiss.
Linc groans as he darts his tongue out to lick the seam of my lips, begging entrance which I willingly give. He could ask anything of me right now, and I’d give it to him.
Taking his time, he lavishes me with his kiss, his tongue gently caressing mine, sending waves of desire rippling through my body all the way to my toes. I breathe him in, letting my body relax for the first time since the doctor told me I’m pregnant.
I reach for his pants, desperate for the same slow fuck he’s giving my mouth. God, I’ve missed him. I didn’t even realize how much until now. He doesn’t stop me but doesn’t move to undress me. “I want you, Linc.”
“I don’t have a condom on me.”