Page 12 of Strike Zone

I gather my winnings without taking my eyes off her, the blonde all but forgotten as I make my way round to greet Diana.

“I’m not going to lie, I didn’t think you were going to show up for dinner.” I can’t help drinking her in from head to toe.

“Trust me, it’s not for your benefit. I want to see Brooke for an hour, eat my dinner, and head back to my room to prepare for tomorrow.”

“Do you need me to tuck you in? I’d be happy to help, all in the name of sport, of course.” I give her a sly wink, making her blush, but she quickly brushes it off, her eyes cast to the ground.

“Dream on, Linc.”

I lean in close, enjoying her sharp intake of breath at my proximity. “Say it like you mean it, Diana.”

“Ugh. Is this how you get women? Smarm, charm, and that chiseled face?”

“So, you concede that I’m charming and dashingly handsome.” I run my hand over my jawline, doing the smoldering eyes that photographers always ask for at a shoot, but she’s not impressed.

“Of course, you cherry-pick the parts you want to hear and leave out what you don’t. You’re smarmy, Linc. I don’t like it, and we’re never going to happen.”

“You realize you don’t need to like me to have sex with me, right? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” She eyes me warily.

“I don’t have sex the night before a fight.” I hear her words, but her eyes say different as she rakes the length of me like a ravenous lioness, and I am her prey. She’s considering it. If I’m honest, I am kind of surprised and so turned on my balls ache.

“What about after fights, when you’re celebrating a win?” I take a step toward her, leaning in, my lips close to her ear. “One night of wild, crazy fucking between two insanely hot people isn’t the worst way to revel in a win.”

Her breath quickens, giving her away for just a fraction of a second before Brooke and Anders arrive, killing the moment.

“Is everything okay over here?” Brooke pulls her sister close while giving me the stink eye.

“Yeah, your sister was just watching me clean up at the craps table. I guess I’m getting lucky this weekend. Maybe if she blows me, she’ll get lucky too.” Anders shoves me in the back. “Sorry, did I get that wrong? Silly me. I meant if I blow on her, like the die in craps, it’ll bring her good luck. If your minds went anywhere else, that’s on you. It was a simple slip of the… tongue.”

“Bullshit, bro. I know your mind. It’s a dark and twisted place. My sister-in-law is out of bounds unless she tells me otherwise.” So, I need his permission to sleep with a consenting adult woman who knows her own mind?

“Thanks for the chivalry, Anders, but I can say no to your friend here just fine by myself.” Diana is feisty—it’s hot as hell. “Now, can we go and eat? Gray has me on an early curfew tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

“Coaches can be such a buzzkill the night before game day. You should have a drink and some great sex just to be defiant.” I wiggle my eyebrows, and she cracks the smallest of smiles.

“You may have a point. I should just go in search of a man who could sate my needs.”

“I’m right here, baby.”

“Never. Gonna. Happen.” I’d believe her if she weren’t devouring me with her eyes as she says it.

I hold her gaze as I speak. “Then let’s eat because I’m ravenous.”

“Anders, I think we might need to eat at another table. These two are making me gag.” That’s rich coming from Brooke.

“I’m always the third wheel to your ooey-gooey slop fest of suck face.”

“Amen to that.” Something Diana and I finally agree on. “He’s not wrong, sis. I love you, and I’m happy for you guys, but being the third wheel at dinner or even walking down the street with you two is… painful. You’re so in love it makes my teeth hurt.”

“Preach, Diana. It’s great for you guys, but it’s so sickly sweet for the rest of us. Like I worry I might become a diabetic because I’m friends with you.”

Some strange, hybrid snort-laugh escapes Diana, and I decide it’s best to ignore it. If I draw attention to it, she might legitimately kick my ass. Besides, it’s kind of cute. She’s quick to throw up her guard and compose herself. I guess she never really steps out of her gilded cage.

“Let’s just eat. I need to be out of here and in my room an hour from now.”

I offer my arm now that we have a common ground of sorts. “Then let’s get you fed. You have a fight to win, and the longer you spend around these two, the more likely it is you won’t be able to keep your dinner down.” This time she giggles, aware not to let herself slip. Heaven forbid anyone sees a glimpse of Diana, the woman, rather than Dee Lex, the MMA goddess.

“Maybe we should just leave them to suck face and whisper sweet nothings and get a table for two.”