Chapter 2


To sayI’m relieved as we wave goodbye to Faith’s family is the understatement of the century. I consider myself a pretty social guy—but fuck me—I was feeling the pressure to impress. It’s crazy considering how much time I’ve spent with all of these people over the years, but there’s a huge difference between being a family friend and an in-law.

Coop and Zee are the only two left, which is fine. I don’t need to impress them or watch the way I interact with Faith. I’ve been trying to hold back when it comes to PDA around her family. We didn’t exactly have the best start, and shoving it in their faces isn’t going to help matters now. It’s so hard for me not to touch or kiss her when I want to. It feels unnatural. Coop and Zee don’t give a shit, so I’m looking forward to kicking back and sharing a few laughs with them before we get back to work.

December is going to be a little chaotic, but I’m determined to make this festive season memorable for Faith. First Christmas together is a big deal when you’re dating someone, but we’ve done everything at hyper-speed this year. We’re married already and experiencing all of these firsts in quick succession.

With my arm wrapped around Faith’s shoulder, I pull her close.

“You did great.”

“You think?”

“No one got food poisoning, you didn’t chop off any fingers, so I’d say that’s a win. Your Grams is a riot. Now I see where you get your mischievous streak.” She lets out a little chuckle that tells me she already knew that.

As we head into the living room, Coop and Zee are deep in conversation, but the second they see us—radio silence. They’ve been cagey since they got here. It’s not like Coop, and the way Faith speaks about Zoey, it doesn’t seem like her either.

“Anyone want another drink?”

“Scotch, straight up,” Coop blurts out immediately. Even Faith notices that he’s acting strange.

“Put your feet up, love. You’ve been doing the hostess thing for days. I’ll grab you a drink.” As she moves to leave my side, I can’t help myself, pulling her back for a long-overdue kiss. The scent of her perfume tantalizes my senses, and I forget the past few days of holding back when it comes to her.

I take a few minutes to pour drinks, and when everyone has a glass in hand, I settle down next to Faith.

“Seeing you all domesticated and hanging with the in-laws felt like a harbinger of the apocalypse.” Coop throws back his drink before swiping mine and draining it.

“Jealousy doesn’t suit you, bro.” I should’ve known to bring Coop a bottle rather than a glass. I stand to go grab the scotch from the kitchen, and Coop follows me like a teenage girl. “We don’t go to the restroom in pairs. When did you get a vagina installed?” He grabs me by the arm and drags me out of earshot of the girls.

“How did you know Faith was the one? Does it feel different when you bang her?” I grab the scotch and thrust it so hard against his chest, it sends him stumbling backward.

“If you ever use the word bang concerning Faith again, I’ll shove this bottle so far up your ass you’ll be shitting glass for the rest of your life.”

“I’m serious. How did you know?” Coop pins me with an unnervingly serious stare.

“What the hell is going on with you? Is this about Zee?” Realization dawns. “You’re in love with her. Holy shit! I never thought I’d see the day.”

“I’m not in love with her!” Coop exclaims a little too loud. The second the words leave his lips, he turns to see Zee shaking her head.

“Thanks, Coop. The feeling’s mutual,” she says, her lack of conviction evident in her tone.

“Babe, I didn’t mean that. I mean… I’m not saying I love you. It’s way too early for that shit, right?”

“Yep. I’m only dating you for your huge cock and an expensive Christmas present.”

Faith sits speechless, her eyes fixed on her best friend. Coop looks a little hurt by her statement but quickly shakes it off.

“I’ve got you covered on that one. I’m somewhat of a gift-giving savant.”

“If I keep you around that long, I’ll be the judge of your gifting skills.” The tension in the room is tangible. I shoot a quick glance in Faith’s direction, nodding my head in Zee’s direction. Someone needs to say something, but I have no idea what to say. Thankfully, she knows what I mean.

“I know I’m going to trump Hunter in the gift department.” A wry smile tugs at the corner of her lips. She’s concocting a plan. The last time she did that, I popped her cherry and then married her.

“Oh really? I highly doubt it. I already have an early Christmas gift for you. Actually, me and Coop have been planning it for weeks.” Coop has no idea what I’m about to say, but he has the good sense to stay quiet. Whatever is going on with him and Zee, I figure he could use some brownie points right about now.
