“That’s right, guys and gals, I’m rocking the bondage tonight. I’ll literally do anything to make my girl smile.” He looks to Zee, and she’s got a goofy grin on her face. I swear I don’t know what’s going on with them from one minute to the next. They are either loved-up or embroiled in verbal sparring matches with each other. In this moment, they seem to be the former.

The team is having a great laugh at Coop’s expense, and it has the desired effect. Coach backs off, leaving us to our bizarre group dynamic. I reach over and tug on the clamps, pulling them off.

“Holy shit! What the hell, bro? That was agony.” Coop doubles over, rubbing at his nipples, half laughing, half crying.

“You know you love it.”

“You’re a dick, Vaughn. I want to slap you for that, but I also want to hug you for getting that medieval shit off my chest. Is it wrong that my junk is tingling? Is that supposed to happen?” Only Coop could pull something like this off and come out the other side with everyone laughing with him rather than at him. If he could bottle that shit, he’d be able to take over the world.

When the crowd dissipates, and everyone goes back to drinking, chatting, eating, and dancing, I pull Coop to one side while the girls go to the restroom together. I don’t really get why they go in pairs, but I’m happy to get a moment to talk to him without Faith.

“Bro, you went above and beyond tonight. I really appreciate you taking the heat off Faith. Things with Coach are… complicated. You didn’t have to open yourself up to team ridicule, but I just want you to know that it meant a lot to me that you stood up for her.”

“We’re family. That’s what family does, right?”

“Right.” He pulls me in for a hug, slapping me on the back, a little harder than normal.

“You owe me for this shit. I better be getting something epic for Christmas from y’all.”

“Isn’t the butt plug gift enough?”

“Fuck off. The only reason I’m not going straight to the restroom to take it out is because I’m scared I am literally going to shit myself. How long do we need to stay at this shindig?”

“I think you’ve been a good-enough sport. When the girls get back, we can head out. Are you guys going back to your place or Zee’s?” His face sobers, and I seem to have inadvertently hit a nerve.

“I think we’re going to my place. She’s been a bit cagey about the whole thing. Our only firm plan is coming to hang with y’all for dinner tomorrow.”

“What? Is everything okay with you two?”

“Of course. We’ve only been dating a few months. It’s still pretty casual. Not all of us find someone and get married right away. You and Faith are something special. You’re a lucky fucker, you know that, right?”

“I really do.” As the words leave my lips, I see my wife across the room, laughing and joking as she and Zee weave their way back to us. Coop’s right. I’m a lucky son of a bitch. Faith is all I never knew I wanted until she walked into my life.

It takes us a while to navigate our way out the door. Holiday greetings and goodbyes are always long when it comes to the Titans. We’re a family—everyone on the team and their families. I’d forgotten that over the past six months. Coach was always a huge part of why I thought I belonged here. Now I see that it’s so much bigger than just one person. Everyone in this room has impacted my life in some way, and each and every teammate helped shape me into the man I am today. Every moment, every milestone I celebrated with the guys on this team led me to Faith. For that, I’ll always be grateful and proud to be a Titan.

Coop and Zee head off in the same cab, so I assume they are going to spend what’s left of Christmas Eve together. I think when it comes to those two, Faith and I are going to have to take a step back and let them figure it out on their own. I just hope it doesn’t get too messy.

Faith cuddles into my side in the back seat of the cab, watching as snow begins to fall, dusting the trees with a touch of Christmas magic. By the time we get to our place, she’s sound asleep, and I don’t have the heart to wake her.

Lifting her from the car, I cradle her in my arms—my sleeping beauty. She’s out for the count. She rouses long enough to shrug out of her dress, and I slip her into the ridiculously cheesy pajamas she bought for us—matching Christmas onesies. I can’t believe she convinced me to do it. She’d be none the wiser if I waited until morning to put mine on, but I’m a sentimental schmuck when it comes to her, and I want everything to be perfect.

Once she’s tucked in bed, I set about getting the living room prepared for the morning. The Christmas tree lights bathe our home in a warm hue. I know it’s corny, but I fill Faith’s stocking on the fireplace and spend an hour wrapping her gifts before placing them under the tree.

Before I crawl into bed, I reluctantly change into my onesie, knowing it will make my girl happy when she wakes up next to me on Christmas morning.