Page 83 of Fumble



It’s here!Our day is already here. Our entire relationship has been on a fast track. At the beginning of summer, I set my sights on banging Hunter Vaughn. Little did I know, my V-Plan would become the Vaughn Plan.

The Mrs. Vaughn Plan.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I don’t even recognize the woman staring back at me. She’s a vision of bridal perfection. It’s me.

How did I get here?

Zee puts the finishing touches to my veil before standing back to admire her handiwork.

“Faith, you look so beautiful. I don’t know if that man of yours is going to be able to get through the ceremony without throwing you over his shoulder like a caveman and dragging you off to have his wicked way with you.”

“I’m good with that. Not gonna lie.”

We tried to keep the details of the wedding low-key, but a handful of journalists figured it out. That’s all I need. A camera clicking away as I try not to fall over is these ridiculous heels. Don’t get me wrong, they’re the most stunning shoes I’ve ever owned, but my track record for staying upright isn’t exactly stellar.

“Zee, what if I fall? Everyone’s going to be staring at me walking down the aisle. If I take a swan dive, it’s going to be front-page news, and my dad won’t be there to catch me.” The dark cloud hanging over today—my family didn’t respond to the wedding invite. I didn’t expect them to, but I’ve imagined my wedding day since I was a little girl, and every single scenario had my dad at my side, proudly walking me down the aisle to the love of my life.

“So… don’t get mad. I snuck out after you fell asleep last night.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t sleeping. Figured you ran off to bang Coop somewhere inappropriate. Gave me my own ideas. I may or may not have smuggled Hunter down here for a few hours.” I’m surprised she seems so shocked.

“It’s bad luck to see him the night before.”

“Zee… you know I don’t believe in luck. We forge our own path. Everything about how Hunter and I ended up at this day was a deliberate decision as was me giving him a little preview of what’s coming tonight!” She can’t help but laugh along with me. Plus, she was out doing God knows what with Coop. She’s in no position to judge.

“I wasn’t with Cooper last night.” Oh, please, no. Not on my wedding day. This isn’t the time to step out on my soon-to-be husband’s best friend.

“I don’t want to know, Zee. Plausible deniability.”

“I went to see your folks.” My heart lurches up into my throat, choking the breath out of me.

“What? Why?”

“I’m your best friend. I know how badly you wanted them to be here, but the more I thought about it, the more I worried that you wouldn’t be so welcoming after everything that’s happened.”

“They’re my family, Zee. I’ll always welcome them with open arms. It’s just not in the cards. Not anymore, and I won’t let it ruin my day.”

“Would it ruin your day if I told you your dad is waiting on the other side of that door to walk you down the aisle?” My eyes well with tears, disbelief rendering me mute. “You can’t cry right now. Your makeup is perfect, and Hunter is waiting for you at the altar.” Pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, she opens the door, leaving me with the sight of my father standing in the hall, dressed to the nines with a box in his hands.


“Daddy!” I run into his arms, almost losing my footing in these damn heels, but he holds me firm.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Can you ever forgive me?” I wrap my arms tight around his neck, bracing myself for what needs to be said next.

“I love you for coming, but I don’t know if you should stay. You and Hunter aren’t exactly on the best of terms, and today isn’t just about me. It’s about him, and him and I joining our lives together. I don’t want to upset him. I hope you can respect that.”

“Yes, you weren’t my first stop of the day, Faithy. I spoke with Hunter a few hours ago. I apologized for reacting the way I did, for all the terrible things I said, and for beating the crap out of him.” My heart is pounding, desperate to know how Hunter reacted.

“What did he say?”

“He was very gracious. He’s head over heels in love with you. I see that now. I gave him my blessing, not that you need it. He said the final decision is yours. So, I’m here begging your forgiveness. I should never have said any of those awful things to you. You are, and always will be, my beautiful daughter. So, if you’ll have me, I’d be honored to walk you down the aisle.”

“I love you, Daddy.”