Page 79 of Fumble

“Fuck that. I’ll knock his teeth out!” I watch in shock and awe as Zoey’s fist comes flying out of left field, connecting square with Malcolm’s nose. The crack of bone audible as blood begins to spurt from his nostrils.

Coop turns me loose, striding to Zoey’s side, his fists ready to deliver the next blow if Malcolm so much as twitches. Within seconds, Murphy escorts our unwanted guest out of the building.

Faith grabs my face, her hands still shaking as she forces me to look at her.

“Hunter, look at me. You need to calm down. It won’t do you, or me, any good if you go out there and beat him to a pulp. Remember what I told you? He doesn’t get to take anything else from me. You locked up and missing the Hall of Fame tomorrow would be letting him take something from you. Please, listen to me.” I fist my hands in her hair, the pain searing through my right hand, nothing compared to the sight of her shaking before me.

“Faith, are you okay?” I pull her into my arms, letting the warmth of her envelop me, slowing my own breathing to help calm her shaking. I hold her close until her muscles relax and our breaths even out in sync with each other.

“Better now.”

“Let’s get out of here.” I move to call the car around. We’re not staying here tonight. I want her at home, in my bed, where I can hold her tight in my arms until tonight is a distant memory. Faith, however, has other plans.

“Can you get the journalists together for me?”

“It’s not the time for a press conference, love. They can wait until tomorrow. I’m sure they’re already pulling Malcolm’s new police record.”

“Exactly. I’ve been too scared to speak up. It was one thing to report his assault, but I’ve been scared about how the media would view me, if they would even believe me given recent details of my sex life. If I don’t tell my story, then I’m adding to the problem rather than standing up for myself.”

“You’re incredible. You know that, right? Are you sure?”


Coop helps me round up the reporters in a makeshift conference room—hushed whispers of what just transpired falling away as Faith steps in the room. She asked me not to go up to the podium with her as she wants to do this herself, and it’s taking every ounce of strength I have to respect her wishes.

“Thank you for taking time out of your evening to listen to what I have to say. This isn’t easy for me, so I’m going to ask that you don’t interrupt me, guys. Let me say what I need to, and then I’ll try to answer your questions as best I can.”

She goes on to relay the facts of what happened before showing true vulnerability, explaining her fears and the reasons she didn’t want the media to find out. She speaks with poise and elegance that betrays her physical presence on the red carpet earlier this evening. She’s like a different person up there, and I fall in love with her all over again. Bringing even the most hardened reporters to tears, you could hear a pin drop when she’s finished.

I stand to applaud, so proud of her I think I’m going to burst. My hand is killing me, but I couldn’t care less. This woman deserves a standing ovation. Coop and Zee are beside me, whooping and hollering for her, and it warms my heart.

“Zee…” Faith’s best friend turns to me, mascara streaks on her cheeks as she cheers her best friend. “How did that punch feel?”

“Glorious.” Sometimes you find members of your tribe in the most unlikely of ways.