Page 72 of Fumble

“Try not to fall over today, love.” He flashes me that sexy smirk of his.

“I can’t make any promises.” A lighthearted moment is just what I needed. I’ve been holding my breath this entire journey.

Murphy ushers us inside before I get a chance to throw my arms around my best friend’s neck.

“Zee! You’re here.” She squeezes me tight.

“Where the hell else would I be?”

“Did you come with Coop?”

“Maybe. Would that be so terrible?” Scrunching her nose the way she does when she’s been up to no good, I enjoy her bright smile, so wide it touches her eyes.

“Girl, there’s no judgment here! If you’re good, I’m good.”

“I’m better than good.”

“Well, okay then.” Linking her arm with mine, we follow Hunter and Coop to the elevator. “Let’s get this over and done with.”

“Is that the line you used on Hunter?” The boys descend into laughter, and I catch Murphy struggling to keep a straight face.

“It’s okay, Murphy. You can laugh. The rest of the nation is getting a laugh at my expense. One more isn’t going to kill me.” Hunter’s levity sobers, but Zee is quick to jump in.

“Are you kidding? Girl, every virgin in this country wishes they were you right now bagging the Moby Dick of dick. I assure you the rest of the women in the country are jealous you didn’t have the underwhelming first time the rest of us endured.” She may have cheered me up, but Coop’s expression is less than amused.

“So, you want to jump this asshole’s bones, too?”

“Oh, don’t get your knickers in a twist. Look at him. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, but then, I haven’t kicked you out of bed either, have I, champ?”

“Mention this fucktard in the same sentence as your bed again, and I’m going to lose my shit.” It’s like a car crash. I can’t look away. Their chemistry is palpable in our closed quarters waiting for the ping of the doors, and when it comes, Hunter is quick to grab my hand and pull me out into the hallway, Murphy following close behind.

I turn to Zee, but Coop is on her in a flash, pushing her against the back wall, his arms braced on either side of her, his mouth on hers, fierce and uninhibited. The doors close before they come up for air. I guess they’re headed back to the ground floor.

“You like watching, love?” Hunter whispers, his lips brushing my ear. “I’ll be doing more than kissing you in the elevator an hour from now.” My body sparks to life, an ache between my legs that can’t be sated right now.

I’m brought back to the task at hand at the sound of Murphy clearing his throat. James is standing in the doorway waiting for us.

He holds out his hand for a handshake, but Hunter still has pins sticking out of his right hand.

“Mr. Vaughn, I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today. I wish it were under different circumstances.” Hunter follows his gaze. James’ eyes are firmly fixed on me.

“It’s a pleasure, James. I wouldn’t change a thing.” His grip on my hand tightens as we head into the suite.

“Faith, could I speak to you for a moment?” James’ voice falters.

“Sure.” I extricate myself from Hunter’s grasp with a reassuring smile.

“I’ll only be a minute. The room should be set up the way you like it.” He gives me a firm nod before turning on his heels, leaving me with James.

The knowing concern I’d had about people looking at me differently after recent revelations wasn’t misplaced. Where James once gazed at me with some small element of affection, it’s now a hollow stare.

“I just wanted to apologize.”

“What for?” I’m the one who should be sorry. He has been nothing less than a gentleman to me.

“The kiss. I feel like I took advantage of you when you were in a weak moment, and if I’d known you and Mr. Vaughn were together, I wouldn’t have tried. Fuck, if I’d known you were a virgin when I met you, I wouldn’t have pursued you.” And this is why I went down the route I did. Guys my age say ‘virgin’ like it’s a dirty word.

“You weren’t going to contract your virginity back like an STD. I wasn’t contagious.”