Page 69 of Fumble

“You need to find a new manager ASAP.”

“How am I going to do that? No one is going to want to jump in on this clusterfuck.”

“Are you kidding? You’re still Hunter-fucking-Vaughn. Stop being a pussy and handle your business.”

“Shut up. I don’t care about me, I care about Faith. Coach was a complete asshole to her.”

“Give the man a break. He got a media blast that his protégé fucked the virginity right outta his daughter. And the blow-job comment. Jesus, Hunter. If I were him, I’d want to kill you right now.” The truth hurts.

“I know.”

“You had to know this was going to blow up in your face, one way or another?”

“I tried to walk away, to be a stand-up guy, but hell if I didn’t go and contract feelings like a fucking disease.”

“You’re lucky I love you, bro. If you were anyone else, I’d be beating the shit out of you right now. Leave the manager situation with me. You need to go talk to Coach.”

“Sure you don’t want to swap tasks?”

“Fuck, no!” God, how do I even begin that conversation? Should I just sneak out without telling Faith because I know she’s combative, and she won’t back down on coming with me if she knows, but I promised her we’d face whatever happens together. I’d rather spare her the pain of this particular interaction, but if I want a future with her, I guess we’re jumping headfirst into the lion’s den.

“Whoever you can get to take care of the press for now, tell them I’ll pay them double the going rate. They need to buy me a day or two until I have a firm plan of action.”

“Got it.”

“You’re a legend, Coop. What would I do without you?”

Slapping Coop on the back, I head down the hallway in search of Faith. It was meant to be a rhetorical question, but Coop always needs the last word.

“You’d be miserable, bro. An absolute loser!”

* * *

“I feellike I should knock. This has been my home my whole life, but I already feel unwelcome.” I know what she means. I’ve spent plenty of time at Coach’s house over the years, but disapproval emanates from the very bricks and mortar as we stand on the porch.

“You can wait in the car if you want. I don’t mind having this conversation man to man.” She eyes me with sudden composure, taking my hand in hers.

“And this is exactly why I chose you.” Reaching out, she wraps her knuckles on the solid wooden door before steadying her breath.

We got this.

I know he’s seeing us on the security cameras right now and weighing his options. A few minutes of waiting and the door eventually cracks open, Faith’s mom staring back at us.

“I don’t think it’s wise for you to be here, Hunter. You’re not welcome in this house anymore.”

“Mom, if he’s not welcome, then neither am I. So, am I walking away, or are you going to let us in?” This girl is fierce. Fuck me. When I think she can’t get any sexier, boom, she busts out with more stubborn, southern charm than my dick can handle.

Her mom steps aside, leaving the doorway open for us to enter.

I sense Coach’s presence before even setting eyes on him. The television is on mute with headlines scrolling the bottom on the screen on ESPN. Faith and I are breaking news. The whole world knows about me hooking up with my mentor’s daughter.

“Hi, Daddy.” Faith’s voice is small, quiet, not the woman I know and love. He doesn’t even acknowledge her, turning to greet me with a fist straight to my jaw. Not a small man, he packs a punch, but I take it. Ready to take whatever he can throw my way. Even if I could use my right hand, I wouldn’t. I’m not going to fight him. I know I could knock him the fuck out with my left, but where would that get me?

Faith is screaming at him as I take blow after blow listening to him curse me from here to hell and back. I defend myself, attempting to shield my right hand because one hit to the pins, and I’m back in surgery.

“Daddy, stop it!”

He continues to throw punches wildly, the man I admire more than anyone on the planet.