“Fuck. I can’t believe I just did that. I’m… I can’t even concentrate. I know I shouldn’t be thinking this, but that looks so fucking hot.”
“Hunter!” I don’t have time to chastise him with Zoey banging on the door.
“Zee, he’s coming. Stop already!”
“Sounds like he already came.”
I open the door, practically shoving Hunter into the hall.
“I’ll be down in a minute. Go.”
Zoey slides inside the suite as Hunter disappears into the elevator, his hair all kinds of sex-mussed. I can’t tear my eyes off him until the doors close. That man is sex on a stick.
“Faith, why is there jizz on your hand? No way that ruckus was from a hand job.”
“I may have just checked another first off my bucket list.”
“God, do I even want to know?”
“Riding bareback…” I make a beeline for the bathroom to get cleaned up, Zee hot on my heels. Respecting my privacy has never been high on her list of priorities.
“Tell me you’re on the pill?”
“Jesus, Faith! The first rule of sex. You don’t get to shove if you don’t wear a glove. Have I taught you nothing?”
“I wasn’t exactly thinking. Lady jay was fully in charge of all cognitive thought.”
“You’re impossible like a rabid beast that’s been let loose at the zoo.”
“Zee, I know I messed up, but holy shit, it was so hot. Like I lost my freaking mind, fantastic.”
“I heard.” Wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, she grabs a towel, throwing it at me. “Now, get cleaned up. We need to get downstairs.”
I take a few minutes to wipe the evidence of our torrid dalliance from my thighs, smooth my hair, and fix my smudged makeup.
Time to face the wolves.
* * *
The noise is deafeningas we step out to where Hunter stands at a podium with Coop behind him. Questions are flying from every direction, every reporter shouting louder than the last to get Hunter’s attention.
“What does Coach Fairchild think of your relationship with his daughter?”
His jaw tightens as he takes a moment to compose himself.
“You would have to ask him. It’s not my place to speak on his behalf.” I can’t imagine how difficult this is for him, but he takes each question in stride.
“How long have you been together?”
“Miss Fairchild and I knew there was something between us the minute we met at the beginning of summer.” That’s putting it mildly.
“Is it true that Miss Fairchild was a virgin when you started working together?”
“If you didn’t hear the audio footage that was recently leaked, then you shouldn’t be here. As a journalist, I’m certain you already know the answer to that question.” Oh, he’s pissed off now. I try to catch his eye, but he’s either avoiding my gaze or hasn’t seen me yet.
“Why did you fire your manager?”