“You can handle yourself when you’re armed and when there aren’t too many assailants. But what happens if a group of male servants catch you?” Sirex demanded. “You’ve seen how they treat women on this planet.”
“Yes, but?—”
“Enough!” he growled. “As the senior agent on this case I am ordering you to stay in the room and wait for me until I get back.”
Phoebe felt a mixture of emotions. As always, when he gave her an order, she was tempted to go into submissive head-space and just melt. But she was also still angry that he was downplaying her abilities.
Sirex seemed to sense her mutinous thoughts.
“Phoebe, I won’t go if you won’t agree to stay here while I’m gone,” he said sternly. “Will you stay?”
Phoebe sighed.
“Yes, Sir,” she said at last. “I’ll stay here and wait for you.”
“Good.” He nodded. “Now let me finish getting dressed so I can go to the hunt.”
“Of course,” Phoebe murmured.
But despite his words, Sirex held her eyes with his a little longer. He seemed to be searching for something in her gaze, she thought. She couldn’t tell if he found it or not—he turned away abruptly and went to get the rest of his clothing.
Phoebe stood there for a moment, not sure what to say. Then she remembered she was still wearing nothing but a sheet draped around herself. It was a good thing Kat had packed her more clothing—even if it was the weird outfits made of long strips of fabric and beads and feathers that the women wore here. Maybe she could go without the harness completely since she was just staying in the room.
But even as she busied herself finding something to wear, she couldn’t help thinking of all the things she and Sirex had done together the night before…and wishing she could remember them, since it was clear she was never going to get a chance to do them again.
The high, shrieking calls of the gallumphers reached Sirex’s ears long before he saw the stables. But he barely heard them, he was so preoccupied thinking of Phoebe.
So she had forgotten everything they had done the night before—or at least, she claimed to have forgotten. Sirex had his doubts. Maybe she actually remembered but regretted it—especially her words about wanting to submit to him.
She seems to remember what the other woman, Be’ti’ta, said to her well enough, he thought. Maybe she’s decided she doesn’t want me because I’m a Broken One.
As he strode through the palace grounds, it seemed more and more likely that this must be so. After all, hadn’t she begged him to forget everything that had happened between them and to never speak of it again? It didn’t seem to Sirex that she would ask that if she had feelings for him.
Still, he couldn’t forget the sweet way she had kissed him and whispered, “I love you,” the night before. Or the way she had nestled naked and trusting in his arms and had fallen asleep with her head pillowed on his chest…
Stop it! he told himself harshly. Just forget it—forget any of it ever happened. Because it’s never going to happen again. You went too far yesterday—it wasn’t right. Now it’s time to get back on track and complete this mission.
Though how he was going to manage that when he was off riding in the hunt instead of meeting with the Emperor, he didn’t know. He?—
“Well hello, my good fellow! And how are you this fine morning? Slept well, I hope?”
The voice was unmistakably Lord Thruck’s. Looking up, Sirex saw that he had come to the stables—a series of buildings with extremely tall roofs and rounded doorways that had to be at least two stories high. Coming towards him was the enormous Trollox. There was a sunny smile on the sane head, which had been the one to greet him. The mad head was staring off into the distance, looking at nothing in particular and drooling, as usual.
“Good morning.” Sirex made himself greet the Trollox. “Lovely weather,” he added, nodding at the pinkish sky, where the red giant sun was already well past the horizon. It looked like a giant ball of flame filling an entire quarter of the sky, but Sirex supposed that was normal for Salacious Prime.
“Yes—perfect weather for a hunt!” Thruck said, his sane head beaming. “I trust you and your woman had an exciting night after she drank the Sparkler?”
“It was definitely interesting,” Sirex said dryly.
“Excellent! And have you given any more thought to getting her nipples pierced?” Thruck asked. There was a greedy light in his little yellow eyes. “Because we do believe the Shining One might have an opening in his calendar if we could see those luscious points pierced. A public piercing is always amusing. The way the females moan and cry and beg—extremely entertaining.”
Sirex frowned. Why was this big bastard so eager to see Phoebe’s nipples pierced—did he like to see women being hurt or females in pain?
Though he considered himself to be a Broken One because of his half-Scourge nature, Sirex didn’t take joy in such things. His desires centered more around domination and bondage. Pain was only for a much needed punishment, like the spanking he had given Phoebe the day before—not for the sick pleasure of watching a female cry out in agony.