Page 60 of Darkest Desire

“Good morning,” The low, rumbling voice made her look up to see Sirex looking down at her. He had one arm around her shoulders and the other was behind his head. There was a thoughtful look on his face and Phoebe wondered how long he’d been watching her as she slept.

“Oh, uh, good morning.” She made a move to sit up, trying to cover her breasts at the same time. But she had forgotten the non-con bracelets she wore. They gave her a nasty shock and she yelped and nearly fell off the bed.

“Careful!” Moving faster than she would have thought possible, Sirex threw an arm around her waist and swept her back onto the large, round mattress before she could fall. “Are you all right?” he asked, giving her a worried look.

“I’m fine.” Phoebe gave a self-conscious laugh and tugged up the sheet to cover herself, being careful not to touch her breasts with her hands. “Just, uh, trying to figure out how we ended up in this position,” she added, indicating the way the two of them were naked and in bed together. “Did we, uh, sleep together?” she asked uncertainly.

“If by ‘sleep’ you mean did I hold you in my arms while we both rested, then yes,” Sirex told her. “But if you mean did we have sexual relations well…the answer is both yes and no.”

“What?” Phoebe squeaked. “Yes and no? What does that mean?”

He frowned.

“How much do you remember from last night?”

“Not much,” Phoebe admitted. “Everything is kind of blurry after I drank that can of Sparkler.” She frowned. “I seem to remember…oh my God, did I, uh, suck you off? I didn’t, did I?”

“I’m afraid you did.” Sirex sounded apologetic. “I didn’t know that you were under the influence of a drug at the time—although I suppose I should have guessed it. You sucked both my shafts and swallowed my seed,” he added.

“Wait a minute—both your shafts?” She had a vague memory of leaning over him and tasting both caramel and chocolate but the idea of his having two cocks felt strange.

Sirex cleared his throat.

“Yes, I have two because I’m half Scourge. The top shaft is smaller—it’s mainly used for lubrication. The bottom shaft is larger and is used for breeding.”

“Oh my God. So I sucked them both?”

He nodded.

“The top one first and then the bottom one, I’m afraid.”

“But…does your cum taste like a candy bar? No, never mind—forget I said that,” Phoebe said quickly before he could answer. “So then what happened?” How did we end up here? I mean, like this?” She motioned at the two of them again.

“You spilled some of the ‘Sparkler’ drink on yourself so I had to give you a shower and wash you off—you couldn’t do it yourself because of the non-con bracelets,” Sirex told her. He frowned. “Do you really not remember any of this?”

“Only very vaguely,” Phoebe admitted. She squinted, trying to recall the things he was telling her but the memories refused to come clear. It was like she was trying to watch a movie that was out of focus so everyone and everything in it was blurry.

“I see.” Sirex nodded. “Do you want me to tell you more, or would you rather not know?”

Phoebe took a deep breath.

“You’d better tell me. It’s better to know what I did than sit around guessing and wondering all day.”

“Very well. After I bathed you, I removed the clit jewelry and the plug,” Sirex went on. “You told me you had a burning pain and begged me to help you.”

“I did?” Phoebe shifted. She still had some discomfort between her thighs, but she assumed that it was from wearing the thick pussy plug so long the night before.

He nodded.

“So I did—using my essence.”

“Your essence?” She frowned.

“It’s a pale blue liquid produced by my fangs that’s capable of healing.” He opened his mouth and pointed at his fangs to illustrate.

“So…did you bite me?” Phoebe looked down at herself—she didn’t see any bite marks…

“Er, no.” Sirex cleared his throat. “I licked you,” he said at last.