“Yeah,” Marcus agreed quietly. “It wasn’t easy starting over. New school, new faces... and the fear that my sexuality might get me into trouble again.”
I nodded sympathetically. “It must have been hard.”
Marcus looked at me, a mix of vulnerability and determination in his eyes. “Yeah, it was. I... I’m bisexual. And the rumors weren’t really rumors after all. He embarrassed me in front of the entire school by telling the senior class I liked my ass licked during sex and that Samantha and I experimented with dildos. That was supposed to be a private moment between us, and she shared our intimate secrets with a guy who could do things for her I could not.”
The confession hung in the air between us, and I felt a surge of respect for his courage. “Thank you for telling me,” I said sincerely. “That must have been really tough for you.”
Marcus nodded; his expression serious. “It was. I’ve always been afraid of how people might react. It’s not easy being open about it, especially in my house.”
“I understand,” I replied softly. “You shouldn’t have to hide who you are.”
Marcus smiled, though his eyes were still troubled. “Thanks, Caleb. It means a lot to have someone who understands.”
As our study session continued, the atmosphere grew more relaxed. We shared more about our lives, our dreams, and our fears. Each revelation seemed to bring us closer together, and I couldn’t deny the growing connection between us.
“Hey, Caleb,” Marcus said after a while, looking up from his book. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” I replied, curious. “What’s on your mind?”
Marcus took a deep breath, adjusted his sweats, and licked his juicy red lips. “Are you into me? Am I your type?”
The question hung in the air, charged with tension. I felt my heart race as I considered how to respond. “Why do you ask?” I said softly, my voice trembling slightly.
“Because I need to know,” Marcus said, his gaze intense. “I like you, Caleb. More than just a friend. And I need to know if you feel the same way.”
I swallowed hard, my mind racing. “Marcus... I do like you. A lot. But I’ve been hurt before, and I’m scared of falling for another jock who might not feel the same way.”
Marcus leaned closer, his eyes never leaving mine. “I’m not like them, Caleb. I promise you that.
I’ve been scared too, but being around you makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. I want to give this a chance, if you’re willing.”
I felt a rush of emotions—fear, hope, and an undeniable attraction. “I want to give it a chance too,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. He took a cookie off the plate, dipped it in the oat milk, and placed it toward my lips.
I took a bite.
“How does it taste?”
“Very good,” I said.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said.
My insides were smiling as I took a seat and brought out my English book. I could feel his eyes watching my every move. Why did he have to show up in my life right after I had healed myself? Is the universe testing me to see if I’ll fall for the same mistake that put me in this rut in the first place? I read somewhere that our mistakes keep returning to test us if we don’t pass them the first time. Was this my lesson in a better, kinder, sweeter package? I avoided his minty eyes. I couldn’t say no to those eyes.
He stood up, pulled me toward him, and then put his hands around the small of my back. We were so close I could smell the cocoa butter lotion he had applied liberally to his skin. He lifted my chin and kissed me.
I could have melted into a puddle. His lips were the perfect combination of softness and wetness. “Will you be my boyfriend?”
I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t. This guy had a hold of my heart.
“I’ll think about it,” I said.
“You’ve made my year.” He kissed me again, but this time, he grabbed my ass and slipped his tongue in my mouth as he rubbed his hands up my shirt and pinched my nipples. His hands excited my body. Soft moans escaped my lips, and I covered my mouth out of shock because I’d never had a guy make me feel this way without sex being involved. He wanted me. This was a step in the right direction.
He removed his pants. There he stood in his boxer briefs with his massive dick print on display. I wanted to jump his bone. Never in my life had I seen a physique so perfect. He was muscular and ripped. I stared so long that I could sense Marcus’s discomfort. “Is there something wrong with my body? Do you not like it?”
Was he serious? Did he honestly think anyone could look at his body and find something they didn’t like?
“Marcus, your body is perfect,” I replied. His entire face lit up like a Christmas tree, his dimples like expensive and elegant ornaments.