“And this is the problem, Marcus? I just don’t want to be your secret little freak buddy friend. I deserve to be with someone who is not ashamed to be seen with me.”
“We’ll have that, but I can’t be out like you yet. Just give me some time, Caleb. Remember, I sucked your dick in my mom’s house; no other dude has had that luxury. You didn’t get to the confident man you are overnight, and neither will I, so please trust that I will get there.”
“Okay, you’re right, but from now on, we’ll meet at my house so that I don’t end up on the roof at night, freezing my ass off and jumping off buildings. My parents are cool.”
“Trust me; that will never happen again.” Nurse Nancy returned with the wheelchair. I picked him up off the chair, held him in my arms, and looked into his eyes. It took everything in my power not to kiss him. This nerdy little guy was breaking down all the barriers around my heart, and the more I hung out with him, the less I cared about what anyone else thought.
“We’re still on for the movies the Saturday after next, right?”
“Absolutely,” I replied.
The way Marcus’s muscular arms gripped my lean, tight frame made me feel safe. I wanted to run my hands through his superman curls and kiss his juicy red lips. We stared at each other like we were the only two people in the room. He was my chauffeur and wheeled me to class for the rest of the day. He left ten minutes early from his class so that I could arrive at mine on time.
Never in a million years would I have thought this budding relationship would transpire at my school, but through some miracle, it was happening. There were awkward glances and weird stares as we laughed and went full speed down the hallways, but no one dared say anything to the football team’s star quarterback.
I felt protected in his presence and always did when I was surrounded by men who were more superior in size than I. That’s why I adored athletes. They were aggressive and take-charge type men. I possessed those qualities when it came to my education and the vision I had for my life, but never desired to be bold in other areas. I wanted to blend in unnoticed.
The next week flew by, and our first movie date was fast approaching. My ankle healed nicely. I used crutches for two weeks, but I didn’t need them now, and for that, I was grateful. The last thing I wanted was to be wearing crutches on our first official date. I changed my schedule so that we had the same lunch period.
Being the official tutor for the football team and carrying a 4.9 GPA had its perks. It would have been a 5.0 if it weren’t for my B+ in AP Physics. I don’t know why the fuck I enrolled in that class knowing only one student got an A every semester.
I figured I’d have bragging rights, but I missed three days after my fiasco with Bradley, which knocked my perfect grade down a whole letter. I almost destroyed my chances of being valedictorian. Thankfully, Peter Vander, my arch nemesis, sucked at English, and I refused to tutor my competition despite the many times he’d asked. Just as the bell rang for lunch, I looked at my phone and saw a text from Marcus.
Marcus:Meet me in room 226 in 10 minutes.
Caleb: Okay
I anticipated these texts because football practice and Marcus’s protective mother kept us from seeing each other outside of school. But on our lunch period was our free time, and we could do whatever we wanted. I knew what was about to happen, and I looked forward to it. I carefully looked down the hall in both directions before I entered classroom 226. I quickly closed the door and turned off the lights. It was one of the only empty classrooms with a big enough closet for both of us to fit in. We linked here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday because it was empty during that time.
I opened the closet door and smiled when I saw Marcus with his pants down on his knees, caressing his dick. He pulled me inside, closed the door, and unbuckled my pants like a fat kid unwrapping his favorite sweets.
“What took you so long? You know we only have thirty minutes, and I want to have that dick in my mouth as long as humanly possible.”
“I got tied up tutoring Dante. He asks a lot of questions.”
“Hopefully, you are only tutoring him and not him tutoring you if you know what I mean.” Just as I was about to argue with him, he put my dick in his mouth, and once again, I was under his spell. He knew how to shut me up. I didn’t know if him having this much control over me was healthy, but I awaited these moments. He sucked my dick like a cherry popsicle melting on a hot summer day while he played with my balls, further intensifying the feeling.
“Suck my dick, Marcus; teach your tutor how it’s done.” When I talked like this during our sessions, he sucked faster, and it turned him on. He jacked his dick while he continued to suck mine, and just as always, he timed his ejaculation with mine. Seconds later, I flooded his mouth with my nut. He always opened his mouth and showed it to me before he swallowed.
The first time he did it, I felt violated and satisfied at the same time. I thought it was just common courtesy to ask someone first before they swallowed your elixir of life. I leaned down and swiped some of his nut from the head of his dick. It was the first time I had done it, so his eyes were scrutinizing my every facial expression. He watched as I tasted it.
“What does it taste like?”
“It’s kind of salty, but I can taste hints of pineapple,” I laughed.
“I’ve been eating lots of pineapple just in case you asked to taste it.”
“I hate pineapple,” I said.
He stopped laughing, and his face transformed to a more hardhearted countenance. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, Caleb.”
I burst into laughter. “I’m just joking, Marcus.”
Marcus stood up and started tickling me; my laughter grew louder. He knew my body better than I did.