With summer in full swing, the sun didn’t set until nearly nine o’clock, which meant chores usually lasted until then. There were some days where Maverick wouldn’t get home until as late as nine o’clock, but as long as the work got done, he stuck to his schedule. Being Friday, he was looking forward to having the weekend off; two whole days to relax and enjoy himself. The only exception to this was during cattle drives; Maverick always participated in those without fail.
He strode from the barn, climbed into his truck and drove home. He definitely needed a shower and a cold beer, then he was going to relax.
Parker closed the door of the shop and turned the lock. Despite the lateness of the hour, the air was still hot and oppressive. She longed for a day off where she could do absolutely nothing, but she knew that wasn’t realistic. Tomorrow, she had to find a new place to rent. The apartment she currently lived in was nice but being on the ground floor meant dealing with noisy neighbors above her.
As she walked to her car, she could feel sweat trickling down her back and between her breasts. The interior of the car was like a scorching oven, and the leather seats were burning her legs, even through her jeans. With a frustrated sigh, she opened the back door and grabbed a towel to cover the seat. She promised herself that her next car would have cooling seats. Sitting on the now-covered seat, she put down the windows in an attempt to cool off before driving to get dinner.
The familiar smells of burgers and onions filled her senses as she entered the diner. She couldn’t help but smile as people waved or greeted her by name. Even though she had been in Clifton for only a year, it already felt like home.
“Hi there, Parker! How are you doing, hon?” Connie, the owner of the diner, asked with a warm smile.
“Starving,” Parker replied with a grin. “How about you?”
“I’m good. Thanks for asking. Can I get you your usual?” Connie asked as she grabbed a pen and notepad.
“No thanks. I think I’ll try something different tonight. I’ll have a southern fried chicken salad with ranch dressing.”
Connie jotted down the order and nodded. “You got it. It’ll be ready in just a few minutes.”
“Thanks so much,” Parker said gratefully.
As Connie walked away to give her order to Owen, her husband and also the cook, Parker couldn’t help but ask one more question.
“Oh, and Connie? Do you happen to know of any houses for rent? I need to get out of my apartment. I’m on the first floor and I think a family of tap dancers live above me.”
Connie’s face lit up with a knowing smile. “Let me give this order to Owen and I’ll be right back. I might have the perfect solution for you.”
Parker furrowed her brow in confusion, but a grin still tugged at the corners of her lips as she observed Connie carefully pinning her order to the metal wheel, then giving it a swift spin. She made her way back to Parker.
“Do you really have to live in a house?” Connie inquired.
“Well, I do enjoy my peace and quiet.”
“I have an empty apartment if you’re interested.”
“Really? Where is it located?”
Connie beamed. “Upstairs. It’s two bedrooms, one bath with an open living area, and it’s fully furnished. If you prefer to bring your own furniture, we can remove what’s already there.”
“Oh my, I would love to take a look at it, Connie.”
“I’ll fetch the key for you. You can look after you finish your meal.”
“Thank you so much. How much is the rent?”
“We can discuss that once you’ve seen the place.” Connie smiled. “Let me retrieve the key for you.”
Parker watched as she disappeared into the kitchen and returned promptly with a key in her hand. Connie handed it to Parker.
“Just go around to the back of the building. You’ll see the staircase. And please make sure to lock up when you leave.”
“I promise I will,” Parker assured her with a grateful smile plastered on her face. She couldn’t wait to see the apartment for herself.
After savoring the last bite of her fresh, crisp salad and leaving a tip for Connie, she exited the quaint restaurant and made her way around the back of the building. She took note of the metal stairs leading to the second floor and ascended them. Reaching the stoop, she retrieved the key from her pocket, inserted it into the lock, and gently pushed open the door.
Stepping inside, she couldn’t help but smile at the warm rays of sunshine streaming in through the large front window. It was a cozy and inviting space, filled with potential. Making her way toward the window, she peered down at the busy street below before turning to explore further.