“It’s gorgeous,” Shay said.
“Yes, it is. Tessa loves horses. I’m glad you still have it.” Sam smiled.
“You spoil her, Sam.”
Sam chuckled. “Am I not supposed to?”
Shay and Parker laughed, then Parker wrapped it for him and handed it to him.
“How’s those babies?” Shay asked him.
Parker smiled when Sam grinned.
“Oh, please. With parents like you two, they’d never be anything else.” Shay laughed.
Sam grinned, picked up the bag, nodded, and left the shop.
“No wonder Tess always has a smile on her face,” Parker said.
“They have a little girl and Tess recently had a boy. Sam spoils all three.”
“A woman can’t walk ten feet in this town without tripping over a gorgeous man,” Parker said, then sighed.
Shay agreed then the women got back to work and once again, Parker found herself watching the clock.
Maverick strode through the barn, heading for his truck. He needed to go home, take a shower, and pick up Parker. He’d stopped at the barn to check on his horse.
“Shit,” he swore under his breath, as he turned to face one of the ranch hands. “Yeah?”
“Do you have a minute?”
Maverick sighed. “Sure. Let’s head to the office.”
An hour later, Maverick made his way down the barn’s aisle again, hoping he would make it to his truck this time. He looked at his watch and swore when he saw how late it was.
After climbing into his truck, he drove home. He needed to grab a shower, but first he needed to give Parker a call to let her know he was running late. He parked his truck, entered the house, and fed Blue, then called Parker.
“Hi,” she said when she answered.
“Hey, darlin’, I’m running behind. Last minute things, but once I get a shower, I’ll be on my way.”
“Okay, no problem. I’ll be here.”
He grinned. “I hope so. I’ll see you soon.”
“Yep.” She disconnected.
He set the phone on the counter, entered the mudroom, and stripped off his filthy clothes. Dirt floated up from them when they hit the floor. He walked through the house naked, entered the bathroom, turned on the water, and stepped inside the stall. As the water hit him, it turned brown as it swirled around the drain.
Quickly scrubbing his hair, he then washed, dried off, and walked into the bedroom to dress. He was glad they were going to the diner. He didn’t need to dress up.
After tugging a red T-shirt over his head, and down his body, he pulled on clean socks, boxer briefs, and jeans, then he sat on the edge of the bed to pull his boots on. Standing, he stomped his feet down into them, and headed for the living room. He picked up his keys and walked out to the truck.