“I’ll take the southern fried chicken salad with ranch, please, and just the water is fine, Connie.”
“Maverick?” Connie smiled.
“My usual is fine, thank you, Connie.”
“I’ll get those to you right away.”
She came back in less than a minute to set Maverick’s drink on the table, then she headed back to the kitchen.
“So, did you get everything unpacked?” He grinned.
“Not even close. I should have taken the weekend off.”
“Do you work every weekend?”
“I’m off Wednesdays and Sundays. Guess what I’ll be doing on my day off?” She smiled when he chuckled.
“Well, I can’t help you Wednesday, but I could on Sunday if you need me to.”
“I appreciate that, but I’m hoping I get it done on Wednesday.”
“Okay. It’s no problem, just send me a text.”
“Thanks, I will.” Parker smiled as Connie set their meals on the table.
“Enjoy your meals.” Connie smiled. “And, Maverick, you should know better than to ask Thelma how she’s doing. She won’t hesitate to tell you.”
“I know, Connie. It just slipped out.”
“I like this,” Connie said, waving her hand between the two of them, then she walked off.
Maverick chuckled and Parker laughed.
“Not much gets by the people of Clifton,” he said.
“I’m sure everyone knows you helped me move too.”
“No doubt.” He picked up his burger, took a bite and moaned. “So good. Between this place and the Hartland restaurant, you can’t go wrong.”
“I’ve never been to the Hartland restaurant. Where is it?”
Maverick grinned. “In Hartland.”
Parker laughed. “I never would have guessed.”
“Would you like to go with me?”
“I’d love to. When?”
“I’ll see if I can get a reservation for next Saturday evening, if that’s alright with you.”
“You need a reservation?”
“Yes, it’s always packed.”
“So, is it fancy?”
“Yeah, but you can wear anything. Jeans, dress slacks, or a dress. It’s entirely up to you.”