Page 43 of Into the Isle

“Should we talk to the Drengr first, then?” Olaf asked. “If we’re going to do anything about this girl.”

“What, warrior to warrior?” Edda said, chuckling. “If that’s the case, then I’ll do it.”

Our eldest sister was the only Drengr among the four of us. So far.

I scowled at my sister, who stood over me. “And do what, challenge him to a fucking duel?”

Edda flexed. She wasn’t scared of me like Ulf was, even though she knew I could overpower her. She was proud like that. “Maybe I will, brother. What’s it to—”

“If we’re going to jeopardize the alliance we have with Eirik Halldan, especially over his half-bred, initiate sister, we need to be clever and unseen.”

I stared up at the sunlit windows along the top row of the hall, dust motes floating where the light billowed in.

“Then what, Sven?” Olaf asked.

I crossed my arms. Treacherous ideas cycled through my mind in rapid fire. Rubbing my chin, a slow smile spread across my face. “Let’s give the new girl a nice Torfen welcome to Vikingrune. Teach her to mind her manners and learn her fucking place.”

Chapter 14


OUTSIDE THE LARGE AUDITORIUM of Dorymir Hall, I found my brother chatting with a few of his accomplices, including the girl I’d seen standing behind him.

The three people speaking with Eirik disengaged and left once they saw me walking up behind him. I furrowed my brow as the trio exited, putting my hands on my hips. Other students moseyed around us, heading toward Mimir Tomes, east from Dorymir.

“I take it they don’t like me,” I said, watching the backs of Eirik’s friends get smaller.

“They don’t know you,” my brother replied, facing me. “There’s a difference.”

“Could have fooled me.” I smirked at him, bobbing my eyebrows. “Who’s the girl? She seemed close to you in Dorymir, brother.”

His brow lifted and he matched my smirk. “Have you been spying on me, little sister?”

I threw my arms up. “I don’t know anyone here! What can you expect?”

With a snort, Eirik grabbed my arm and tugged me along toward Mimir Tomes. He seemed to like doing that, and I didn’t appreciate it too much, treating me like I was a dog on a leash.

Alas, I gave in and let him lead me.

“Come on,” he said. “I’m busy today, have to meet up with the gang in a bit. I’ll give you a crash course on the way so you don’t feel so lost around here. Deal?”

I nodded fervently. “Please.”

He pointed south and east, toward where the sun was currently sitting. “I’m sure you’ve noticed how the academy is split into sections. Each one has a specialty of sorts. Generally, north of the academy center are classroom buildings: Dorymir Hall, Mimir Tomes, Eir Wing—”