We stutter-stopped to a halt with a tree in a wishbone shape between us. Our lips firmed, our hands tightened on our weapons—he held a wooden sword and shield—as we stared at each other through the opening of the separated tree trunks.
Sucks that I’ll have to kick your ass, Ulf. You’ve actually ended up being the Torfen I hate the least . . .
Randi scampered up next to me.
. . . because of her.
Ulf’s eyes went wide, unfocused, shifting over to Randi. Lost was the determination to bring me down, the resentfulness he and his family held for me.
“Hey, babe,” Randi said coyly, waggling her fingers at him.
Ulf flared his nostrils. “Ran. I’m obligated to stop you.”
Every second we stood here was wasted time. The gods only knew where Astrid and Rolf were.
“I’ll blow you later if you let us pass,” Randi quipped.
Ulf’s head reeled. “W-What?”
I charged at him with a yell. “Go!”
Randi snickered and darted off to the right, into the thick foliage.
“What the hell, Ran!” Ulf called after her—
Just as I shoved my spear through the wishbone tree trunks.
Ulf barely lifted his shield in time. With a thunk, my spear slid off the middle boss. He was instantly flustered by Randi’s diabolical offer.
I spun around the tree, yanking my spear back.
Ulf’s sword came down at me, wobbling in place.
I easily slid under it, sidestepped, and stabbed my spear toward his side.
He caught my spear on the shield again, and we both stepped into each other—where he thought he’d have the advantage bringing himself close to me.
I was ready. I whipped the backend of my spear as we tangled, smacking him in the face. His head snapped back, blood spurting from his nose.
It gave me sick satisfaction to see his blood after our initial meeting and how he’d treated me. He’d also chased me and Grim through the woods, and who knew what would have happened had the Torfens caught us.
He deserved this beatdown.
Momentarily stunned, Ulf staggered back. He lifted his sword and board close to his face while trying to recalibrate. His footing was unsure. He snarled and spit blood out on the grass.
When he looked over the rim of his shield, I was already gone—sprinted past him during his temporary blindness.
“Fuck!” he yelled, realizing I’d pulled one over on him.
The beatdown could wait. I have a midterm to win.
My legs churned as they carried me through the trees. I was alone now, in my element, eyes scanning my surroundings for anything out of the ordinary.
I caught a flutter of movement to my right, and two shadows collided together.
I heard grunting. A girl yelling in a high tone.
Veering my course, I burst through a grove of trees and came upon Rolf and Randi locked in combat.