Page 67 of Into the Isle

The two loners. How appropriate.

Arne Gornhodr was front and center, smiling mischievously at me. Near him was Sven Torfen, looking ridiculously attractive and making my blood boil just by the way he gazed directly at me, like he could see something inside me even I couldn’t see.

Since there were only about ten second-years present, I figured the entire class wasn’t here. Obviously not, or Eirik and Dagny would be in that line. Maybe they have different duties going on right now.

On my side of the rows, with Hersir Axel separating our two teams where he paced, stood Randi, Arne’s charge from the Gray Wraith named Rolf, my quick enemies Ulf and Astrid, and a couple dozen others who had been in History & Tomes.

Everyone stood straight-backed, our hands clasped behind us. It was military-oriented, and I felt proud to be included with this bunch, as much as I might’ve loathed a few of them.

Hersir Axel rounded the end of the line and continued pacing the other direction, his eyes never leaving our faces. “I want to see what you’re made of. I need to know how skilled or unskilled my initiates are, so I can group you into relevant companies. Since our numbers are unbalanced, each second-year cadet will be placed as the tutor of three students.”

He stopped pacing in the center of the two groups. Crossed his thick arms over his chest. “To that end, to begin the rite, I will have each of you spar another initiate. The seconds and I will be watching closely, so this is your time to shine. Don’t waste it. Sparring begins in five minutes.”

My heart smacked against my ribs. Hersir Axel wheeled to face the second-years, giving us his back and evidently telling us he was finished with his speech.

I spun quickly to Randi, ready to have her be my sparring partner. My mouth opened to ask her if—

“You won’t be choosing the sparring partner,” Axel abruptly announced, stealing all the wind from my sails. “The second-year cadets will.”

My stomach plummeted. Fuck. With the color draining from my face, knowing my fate was no longer in my hands, I gave a sad look to Randi.

We turned to face the cadets as Hersir Axel stood behind them and they advanced on us.

Low conversation filled the space.

Arne winked at me. He noticed another second-year heading my way, so he veered off to speak with Rolf and some other students instead of approaching me.

The second-year Arne avoided, stepping closer to me, was none other than Sven Torfen.

Guess Arne isn’t going to step in to help me twice. Maybe he wants to see how I handle myself against adversity.

My body tensed when Sven stopped in front of me. He wasn’t overly tall, yet he was imposing because of the confidence he exuded, like he knew secrets no one else knew.

Sven gave me a wry smile. I simply frowned at him, gnashing my teeth together. To her credit, Randi stayed at my side, despite looking scared to do it. She clearly didn’t like conflict, as evidenced by how she’d saved my ass from getting into trouble in the mess hall.

“I’m Sven,” he said. His voice was rich and arrogant.

“I know.”

A smirk cracked his stupidly hot face. “Looks like your wound is healing nicely.” He gestured with his eyes at my wrapped leg. Then he leaned closer, talking in little more than a whisper. “Your blood tasted sweet last night, my little menace.”

Dizziness washed over me. Evidently Randi heard his words too, and she gasped.

Sven pulled back. “I licked my claws clean and made sure of it,” he added, inclining his chin and slipping out his tongue to lick his lips. On any other face it would have been disgusting, but he had a sensuality about him that caught me off-guard.

Heat pooled in my belly. I fought back the growing tension inside me. It only made me angrier, with my body betraying me—knowing now he’d been the one to drag his claws down my calf.

“Leave her alone, Torfen,” growled a man behind Sven. It didn’t take much to see him: Grim Kollbjorn towered over everyone.

Sven wasn’t scared when he spun to face the giant. “She needs a bodyguard so soon, Grim?”

I stepped forward. How dare this man call me his “little menace,” when he clearly hated me and was trying to goad a response out of me.

These men call me “little” because they see me as weak.

Sven’s goading worked. I squared my shoulders, not backing down. “No, I don’t need a bodyguard,” I announced loudly, drawing both Sven and Grim’s attention. “I can handle myself, Grim.”

Sven perked his eyebrows curiously. They were perfectly angled to make him look mean and intense.