Page 119 of Into the Isle

I knew he could outrun me. He could demolish me. Yet I stayed strong in his presence, squaring my shoulders and not backing down.

And Grim’s bearish form began to meld away. The fur dissipated first, submerging into tough skin, and then the leathery skin became soft-looking and human. Tanned, like Grim, though not the bronze of his bear’s hide.

Within seconds, and after a painful sounding cracking of bones and musculature, Grim stood before me as a man. Muscled, naked, giant.

“There he is,” I said with a smile growing on my lips.

He took a step toward me, staring down, teeth bared.

My smile faltered—

Because his eyes hadn’t reverted completely to their amber hue. They pulsed orange and red. When I looked into them I didn’t see the same man who protected me and escorted me through the academy woodlands on nightly strolls.

I saw a predator—confused, intense, frustrated.

Grim towered over me. His hands were balled into fists at his sides as he tried to reconcile who I was.

I said, “Come back to me, Grim,” all but begging him.

He stepped even closer, a mere three paces from me. The heat and earthy smell of him washed over me, driving me insane. Now my primal instincts were taking over, and when I glanced down, I muttered, “Oh. Shit.”

I started to get an idea just what kind of “madness” the Lunar Night brought out of the school’s shifters. Why Gothi Sigmund let them run free in the Delaveer Forest for a night.

It’s a mating signal, I ventured. The big fucker is in heat.

Grim’s hanging cock was thickening by the second between his muscled thighs. As he stared at me, tilting his head curiously and still making grunts and huffs like he was in his bear form, the massive man grew erect and, well, even more massive.

It was an imposing sight, having Grim Kollbjorn leer over me in all his glory. With one more step, the huge ridge of his hard cock pressed into my belly and slid up my chest.

I blushed furiously. I was not trained to take care of this. He was somewhere caught between man and beast.

His hands fell on my shoulders—warm, callused, demanding.

I swallowed hard. My throat had gone dry. I stared down and watched as clear fluids dripped down the broad crown of his cock. He was drenching my new shirt just by standing in front of me.

The poor man had no control over himself. Yet he recognized me, somewhere in the back of his addled mind, and hadn’t flung himself on me yet.

Slowly, with my breath coming in short spurts, something came over me. I reached down and wrapped a hand around the thick length between us. His shaft was veiny, angry, demanding attention.

I’d never even kissed this man. I had wanted to over the past few weeks during our nightly walks. And now I had my hand wrapped around the length of him, fingertips not even touching from the girth of his manhood.

Grim stepped closer. I found myself backing up, even as I held him firm in my grip.

My hand slowly stroked him. “Does that . . . feel good, Grim?” My back bumped against a tree at the edge of the clearing. He had me pinned, with his arms going over my head to lock me in place.

I squirmed, thighs squeezing together. Shamefully, Grim’s utter masculinity and arousal turned me on, and I felt my panties growing damp, my pussy slick with smoldering heat that pooled at my belly.

A thrum of anticipation and need pulsed through me. I waited for him to make the first move, while I lazily glided my hand up and down his thick shaft to keep him from lunging at me.

Grim eyed me with curiosity, closing his snarl. His hands came down from the tree over my head and landed on my shoulders, gently pulling my shirt off my collar. He peeled it down my warm skin, eyes locked on me as he bared my breasts.

My nipples hardened against the gentle breeze in the woods. Around us, the forest was quiet. My cheeks were hot as I allowed the bear shifter to do what he pleased.

Because the truth was, I wanted what he wanted, perhaps just as badly as he did. I wouldn’t fight my impulses. I wouldn’t let my doubts claim me and define me. I had daydreamed about something just like this, and now my vision was coming to fruition. I had Grim Kollbjorn right where I wanted him, my hands wrapped around his intimidating cock.

He leaned forward, slanted his head, and kissed me. I closed my eyes, giving myself over to the kiss, shocked with how tender and gentle he was in that moment—especially for being lost to a shifter trance.

His tongue battled mine and easily won, overpowering me. His entire frame throbbed with tension, with need, and before I knew what was happening, he was dragging his hand down my front and bringing my pants with it.