Page 68 of Hate Hex

“I don’t know about you, but I’ve never read the CCCC and didn’t know what in the world Clause 873 was until just now.”

“Touché,” she agreed.

“I’ll have the team meet us here first thing in the morning. You can stay here tonight, just in case any hungry reporters turn up at your apartment in the meantime. We’ll have the press release out by eight a.m., and then we’ll be free to go about our lives as usual.”

“Okay,” she said uncertainly. Then she repeated more confidently, “Okay then. We’ve got ourselves a deal.”

Trixie extended a hand to shake on it, but when my fingers met hers, a bolt of electricity sizzled through us. I wasn’t sure if the intensity of our connection was because we’d started to stumble into unknown territory—talk of a real relationship. I hadn’t offered that this announcement be fake. She hadn’t either. I looked over at Trixie, finding it dazzling just to be within touching distance of her. Wondering, hoping if maybe she would be mine.

Trixie felt it too, judging by the way her lips parted. She didn’t release my hand.

“Shake on it?” she said, her voice trembling, looking at our interconnected fingers like it was something incredible. Then again, it was pretty incredible.

“I can do you one better,” I murmured, tipping her chin up. “Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m just tipsy. Not drunk,” Trixie clarified. “If that’s what you’re asking. I have all my faculties about me.”

I took that as an invitation to close the gap between us. It didn’t take more than a few seconds of my lips on hers before it wasn’t enough. I hungrily pulled Trixie onto my lap.

“I mean, if we’re going to announce that we’re dating, we might as well make good on our promises, right?” Trixie murmured, looping her arms around my neck. “But before we do anything else, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Okay.” I loved feeling her on my lap. I wanted her closer. Impossibly so.

“I think unlocking my magic today unlocked something else in me.” Trixie’s voice was a breath against my skin. “Whatever was between us already, doesn’t it feel stronger to you now? This bond we share?”

“Like I can’t survive without you?” I confirmed. “Yes, Trixie. I’d trade the rest of my eternal life to give one mortal lifetime a shot with you.”

“I want to be with you, Dom. For real.”

I lifted Trixie, gripped her to my chest, and stomped into the bedroom without a backward glance. I set her on the bed, her hair spread before me, those rosy, pink cheeks beaming up at me. I was practically feral in my desire for her.

“The smell of you, the feel of your lips on mine,” I murmured to her, “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I’m ravenous for you, Trixie. You have ruined me.”

“I know, Dom. I feel the same way.”

I stripped her of her clothes. She helped tug her shirt off, then mine.

I buried my face against her neck, inhaling the honey and rose and earthy scent that was all Trixie, knowing this was where I was meant to be, forever and ever. She was mine.

I ignored the blood pumping through her neck, the way it made me wild with desire more than ever before. This was my mate, the woman I was put on this earth to love for as long as she’d live and then some.

I could see in her eyes that she meant it. It felt right, too right, and I knew that as we kissed, as we moved against one another—as the moonlight bounced off her porcelain skin, I wanted to connect with her on every level.

“You have my permission, if you want.” Trixie tilted her head back, her neck exposed. “I trust you.”

“I couldn’t let myself—”

“You can.” Trixie’s eyes were intense as she arched against me. “This has always been real, Dominic. I’m yours, whether you want me to be or not.”

“There’s never been a doubt in my mind,” I growled. “But if I taste you, Trixie, one time will never be enough. You have to understand what you’re signing up for.”

She leaned up, nipped at my lip. “Trust me. I understand.”

Then Trixie looked at me, complete vulnerability in her gaze. Her eyes told me everything I needed to know.

“God, I love you,” I said, almost frantic with need for her. “I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“I love you too, Dom.”