Page 9 of Hate Hex

“You think?” I snarked back. I was wealthy beyond most people’s dreams, but even a seven-billion-dollar payout for half of one little apartment complex was a bit steep for my bank account.

“When’d you hear from him?” Vix asked, her brow furrowing. “We haven’t heard from Sebastian since earlier this week.”

Since the day I’d run into Trixie in the alley, I thought to myself, remembering the moment like it was mere seconds ago. Not like it was almost a full week ago.

For days now, I’d been smelling that rosebush she kept next to her bedside. At least, I assumed it was by her bed, because she only opened the window late at night, presumably while she slept, and it was that sweet scent of pretty pink roses keeping me up, wondering what she was doing awake so late. Wishing I could ask her. Wondering what the feel of her skin against mine might be like.

“The note arrived about a week ago,” Kellan admitted. “I haven’t passed the offer along to you, Dominic, because it’s preposterous. It wasn’t a real offer. I tried to follow up with Sebastian for a reply, but I haven’t gotten one, and he’s been untraceable.”

“Don’t expect one,” Nicola said darkly. “He’s in the wind.”

Kellan cursed. “That’s going to make this difficult, Mr. Kent.”

“Find a way around it,” I growled into the phone. “Any business ventures that are tied with my brother are done. Gone. I don’t care how it happens, but I’m selling this building come hell or highwater. I've spent ten years here, and it's nine too many.”

“I understand, but—”

“Billings Incorporated has come knocking on my door with an offer for the place,” I said. “Quick close. They want to turn it into some shopping center, and they’re already on the zoning paperwork. Get it sold. Talk to their lawyers.”


“Glad we had this conversation.” I nodded for Vix to hang up the phone.

Vix rolled her eyes back at me. “Bye, Kellan. Sorry for His Highness’s royal attitude.”

“Talk him down for me, yeah, Vix?” Kellan prompted before signing off.

“You got it,” she said.

“You realize I’m right here,” I said, as one of Vix’s diamond-encrusted nails clicked the button to hang up the phone.

“Consider this your pep talk to get off Kellan’s ass. The man is still legally bound to follow the laws, no matter how much you pay him, Your Grumpy Highness. Now, if you’re done throwing a temper tantrum at the only people in your life willing to help you, let’s go. The car’s waiting out front.”

Chapter 5


“This is incredible!” I announced, a curling iron pressed to my head.

“I know!” Emmy pranced out of her room on Friday night, looking like she’d spent her whole life waiting for this moment.

She’d tamed her fun curls into a straighter wave for the event, and she wore a boisterous red dress that glittered like rubies.

“Wait a minute.” Emmy frowned, looked at me. “What’s incredible? You’re not ready to go. You’re still in jeans.”

“Someone just requested a ride.” I held up my phone and showed her the rideshare app that kept me mostly-legally employed. “And they’re going in the same direction as us, just a block away. It’ll be perfect. I can make an extra couple of bucks off this stupid event if I pick up a fare on the way. Maybe we’ll even be able to pick someone up on the way back.”

“We’re not picking someone up on the way to an event with The Circle,” Emmy drawled. “Are you kidding me?”

“I’m a paranormal uber-driver and you’re a mostly-unemployed grad student. We don’t have a choice.”

“Good point. Get dressed,” Emmy said briskly. Then she took another look at me. “Don’t tell me you’re wearing that. And please finish curling your hair.”

I looked at my jeans and tank top. “Why not?”

“It says it’s a black-tie event.”

“I don’t own a black tie.”