Page 77 of Hate Hex

Because now I was thinking about it, and nothing was happening.

I raised my hands. Sebastian smiled.

“If you think I haven’t protected myself with magical enchantments to fend you off, you’re wrong,” Sebastian hissed. “That political elf came in handy for something.”

“Levian got you the enchantments?” I asked. “Why would he work with you?”

“He knew he was in trouble the second you gave that speech after being selected by The Fates. People liked you. You had something he didn’t—a personality, mind you—and he wasn’t going to risk losing the election for it.”

“He didn’t have to scare me away,” I said. “I was already going to step down.”

“He was paranoid, and it turns out for a good cause. You won over thirty percent of the popular vote without a single minute spent campaigning? Even I’m impressed.”

“The Fates should’ve never selected him,” I said. “A person that greedy for power should never be in power.”

“Maybe they selected him for a reason,” Sebastian said softly, stepping closer, dangerously close to me. “Because there’s really only one solution left once the news breaks that he’s a dirty politician. You, sweetheart. You are the solution. Or you would be, if you hadn’t decided to tangle your heart with my brother’s and wind up bloodless on the floor of an abandoned warehouse.”

I could see the enchantments around Sebastian now, a faint aura tormented with dark magic. My powers wouldn’t do much against him. It’d deflect, bounce off, and the moment he got his teeth into my neck, it would be over.

“Dom won’t let you forget this,” I whispered, raising my hands, funneling any ounce of magic I could through my fingertips. Before I could send the magic at Sebastian, I saw a mirage that halted me in my tracks. “Dom?”

Thinking it was my brain playing tricks on me, I squinted beyond Sebastian. There was a shimmering view of the vampire who’d tried to break my heart on television earlier tonight. It couldn’t be real. There was no way Dominic was really here. Was it possible I was hallucinating out of fear?

Sebastian laughed, triggering my response. I sent all the magic I could muster sailing at him. The vampire laughed as my magic ricocheted off his protective shields and banged around the barren room.

As it did, however, the mirage behind Sebastian grew firmer, solid.

It was really Dominic. He’d made it. He was materializing before my eyes, probably with the help of some powerful magic. If only he’d arrived a minute sooner.

“Dom,” I murmured, knowing he was too late to stop Sebastian. “I love you.”

As the words came out from my mouth, Sebastian reached for me, pulled me toward him by the waist and in one swoop, lowered his teeth to my throat.

I felt the moment his fangs punctured my skin, the moment the blood began to flow, the moment I knew it was all over.

I saw Dom’s eyes widen, but his figure wasn’t solid yet. His mouth opened, but I couldn’t hear the words coming from between his lips. His hand reached for me, but it wasn’t enough. He was a ghost.

Sebastian’s wish had come true.

Dominic Kent would watch the woman he loved die tonight.

Chapter 26


Belinda had made good time fashioning a portal that mirrored the one my brother had used to steal Trixie away. Her portal pushed me into the disgusting crawl-hole where I was sure I’d find Sebastian and Trixie, but it wasn’t working fast enough.

I could feel my form solidifying, but because Belinda had been forced to send me through a portal from halfway across the world—seeing as she was still in Egypt—it was a slower process. Too slow.

I saw the moment Trixie noticed me. I felt the moment she whispered the words I love you. I felt my brother’s bite as if he’d sunk his teeth straight into my jugular. I knew I was too late.

I waited, helplessly, as my brother drank from Trixie. Her eyes shut, and I felt the moment she lost consciousness like a stab to the heart.

The day I’d been turned into a vampire, my heart had stopped beating. From then on, I’d always assumed that I essentially didn’t have a heart anymore. That I’d lost my ability to feel real human emotions.

I now knew that to be completely wrong.

More pain than I’d ever endured in my entire life hit me like a tsunami as I watched the love of my life’s spirit fade. My resolve to live crumbled, and the only thing I could see now was blood.