Page 75 of Hate Hex

I could hear the guard making a call to Dominic as I stepped into the elevator.

I knew it was a little idiotic for me to be taking a walk outside, but I needed space and air, and only The Fates could save any reporter who tried to approach me tonight. I could feel the magic coursing through me, and so long as I stayed on well-lit streets, I wasn’t in danger of anything happening to me.

Let them try.

I felt all sorts of buzzy as I walked down the street, feeling jazzed on multiple levels as I tried to clear my head. My magic ached within me, begging for a release. There was such a jumble of emotions inside me that it had ignited the latent magic that’d been slowly starting to drip through my blood like enchanted molasses.

I knew Dom loved me. I trusted him implicitly, and I knew that he hadn’t lied to me last night. I could still feel the prick of his incisors on my neck, the most beautiful, wonderful pain I’d ever endured. Neither of us had faked the intimacy between us. The bond that existed was impossible to ignore.

But to go behind my back hurt, even if he’d had my best interests at heart. I’d been so confident that I’d finally found a person with the potential to truly be my partner. To be the person who respected me as an individual. Who didn’t use me for my magic or manipulate me like a puppet.

Yet that’s where he’d let me down. Dom had decided singlehandedly what was best for me and my magic and my safety without actually conferring with me. I wasn’t ready to give up that much control of my life again—ever—even to a man I loved with all my heart.

I stepped past an abandoned food market. A ray of especially bright streetlight lit the way before me, and I glanced up, checking around for the security guard that I was sure was tailing me at a bit of a distance. There was no way Dom would let me out of his reach tonight.

Before I could isolate the security guard, the sensation began. It took me a beat to fathom what was happening when a pull behind my belly button told me I was in trouble. I blinked, and the darkness swallowed me whole.

The streetlight—glowing a little too brightly—was a portal.

And I’d walked right into it.

Chapter 24


“Where is she?”

“She disappeared right here.” Clark blinked, like he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. “I was following the target—Trixie—after Buddy radioed down that she was leaving the apartment. She wasn’t out of my sight for a second. She was just here one minute, and then the next, she wasn’t.”

“A portal,” I said. “Dammit. My brother’s working with someone powerful.”

That was when it hit me, the unbelievability of what was happening.

My brother working with a partner? Hardly. Sebastian Kent was a solo artist if I’d ever seen one.

But maybe, just maybe, for the right price, he could be bought.

Sebastian was no stranger to The Veil. If he’d been working with Levian, it could’ve affected Levian’s magic—giving the elf an oddly tinted aura. The exact aura Trixie had identified in her apartment. Levian and Sebastian joining forces? I supposed it was possible with the right end goal. A goal to ruin me.

I picked up my phone so quickly the ringtone hadn’t even begun to sing.

“Yes?” I barked.

“I’ve got Levian,” Vix said. “What do you want me to do with the elf?”

Levian, idiot that he was, hadn’t even halted his campaign trail tonight. He’d figured himself invincible. The bravado was impressive, even to me. The nerve of that man.

Yet the one thing Levian hadn’t accounted for was Trixie’s newfound magical prowess. He’d thought he was safe, protected by his deal with the devil—my brother.

Well, he’d been wrong, and Trixie had identified him at the scene of her apartment. Vix had scooped him out of a rally tonight quite easily. He’d be lucky to survive, though I did plan to keep my word to Trixie. Reluctantly, I would keep him alive for her.

“Try to keep him alive,” I barked to Vix. “Tell Levian he might be able to breathe tomorrow if he cooperates. Get Belinda to open the portal.”

“You got it, Boss. Give me five minutes.”


Vix hung up, and I impatiently waited. The second call came one minute and twenty seconds later.