Page 83 of Three Single Wives

Mark Wilkes: Almost twenty-one years with the LAPD.

Defense: Thank you for your service.

Mark Wilkes: It’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do. It’s a pleasure to serve our city.

Defense: Before you became a detective, what did you do for the LAPD?

Mark Wilkes: I worked in the GND.

Defense: The Gang and Narcotics Division?

Mark Wilkes: That’s correct. I was there a decade. Started as a beat cop before that. Worked my way up.

Defense: Would you say you’ve dealt with your fair share of bad men?

Mark Wilkes: That’s part of the job description. Yeah, I’d say I’ve seen a few bad guys.

Defense: Do the bad guys always get justice?

Mark Wilkes: That’s our goal. Of course, sometimes, they get away.

Defense: What if you know someone is guilty of a crime but you can’t prove it?

Mark Wilkes: We both know that occasionally happens. As a lawyer, I’m sure you’ve experienced it, too. My answer? Innocent until proven guilty.

Defense: How do you feel about vigilante justice?

Mark Wilkes: Er, I’m not sure what you mean. I am a law enforcement officer. I believe in the system. I believe in justice through the system.

Defense: What if things get personal?

Mark Wilkes: I would go to the police and follow standard procedure like anyone else.

Defense: Play along with me, Detective. Let’s say you discovered that your wife was being black mailed. Earlier this afternoon, you stated that you love your wife, yes?

Mark Wilkes: Of course I do.

Defense: You’d do anything for her?

Mark Wilkes: I suppose. Yes.

Defense: Would you kill for her?

Mark Wilkes: I see where you’re going with this, and no, I’m not your man. I didn’t kill anyone.

Defense: Have you ever killed someone while on duty?

Mark Wilkes: I have. I’m sure you know that as it’s public record.

Defense: The truth is, Detective, that you’ve killed a man before. How do we know it didn’t happen again?

Mark Wilkes: For starters, there’s no proof. Secondly, I had no motive.

Defense: Did your wife tell you she was being blackmailed by Roman Tate?

Mark Wilkes: No, she did not.

Defense: Did your wife tell you she killed Roman Tate?