Page 3 of Three Single Wives

hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole

truth, and nothing but the truth?

Anne Wilkes: I do.

(witness goes to stand and sits down)

Prosecution: Mrs. Wilkes, let’s start with the night of February 13, 2019. What do you remember about that day?

Anne Wilkes: I met up with a few of my girlfriends for a book club event that afternoon.

Prosecution: Which girlfriends?

Anne Wilkes: Eliza Tate and Penny Sands. Marguerite Hill, the author, was there, too, but I didn’t know her well at the time.

Prosecution: Which book were you discussing at this event?

Defense: Objection. How is the book club selection relevant to the murder case?

Prosecution: I will demonstrate its relevance if given the opportunity.

The Court: Overruled. You may continue, Ms. Clark, but make your point.

Prosecution: The book, Mrs. Wilkes?

Anne Wilkes: It was called Being Free by Marguerite Hill.

Prosecution: I’m not familiar with a book by that name. Not by that author. Do you mean Be Free?

Anne Wilkes: Er, yeah. Same thing.

Prosecution: This is a murder investigation, Mrs. Wilkes. Details are important.

Anne Wilkes: Sorry.

Prosecution: Is that or is it not the follow-up to Ms. Hill’s nonfiction bestseller Take Charge, a smash hit that took the world by storm a year ago?

Anne Wilkes: Yeah. Er, yes. At our first book club in October, we read Take Charge. We liked it, so in February, we read the sequel.

Prosecution: What is the book about?

Anne Wilkes: I think the title is self-explanatory. Both of Marguerite’s works are pretty typical self-help books for women. About how to take charge of your life and all that garbage. It’s inspirational, or so I assume. I didn’t actually read either book. There are hefty SparkNotes summaries online that are a godsend if you’re looking to get the gist of it. I have four kids. How do I have time to read a book that doesn’t involve pictures?

Prosecution: Where were you between the hours of 11:00 p.m. on February 13 and 2:00 a.m. the next morning?

Anne Wilkes: At a bar. Garbanzo’s. Our book club, uh, didn’t go as planned, so we went out to blow off some steam.

Prosecution: Were you with Eliza Tate during that time?

Anne Wilkes: Part of it.

Prosecution: Please explain what happened that night at book club.

Anne Wilkes: Now, that’s a long story.

Prosecution: We’ve got plenty of time, Mrs. Wilkes. Why don’t you start from the beginning?