How did you do it?

I’m a fire elemental – or I was, a long time ago.

Suddenly, Terrance’s history seemed important. And how did you end up in the werewolves’ crown?

Ah. Like most sentient objects, I was cursed, he said entirely too cheerfully.

You don’t sound too upset about it, I noted.

Why should I be? The one who cursed me is dead while I have lived several centuries, albeit without a physical body. I do miss a cup of tea, he confided.

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

‘Are you okay?’ Greg asked softly.

Not even a little bit. I thought about lying to Greg, but he would see it in my eyes. ‘Not really, my love.’ I paused. ‘A shower will help. And I’m starving – would you get me some food while I shower?’ I pulled the crown from my head. ‘Here, look after Terrance for me.’

Greg’s lips twitched. ‘You’ve already given your crown a name?’

‘No, he already had one. There’s a spirit trapped in it, a fire elemental apparently. He seems nice, but don’t leave him lying around. I don’t want him burning down Fellworth House while we’re here. That’s the last thing I need.’

Like he did with most things, Greg took the news that my crown was haunted calmly and shoved Terrance into a backpack.

‘I’m not sure he’ll like that,’ I said dubiously.

‘He’ll live,’ Greg said facetiously.

A slightly hysterical giggle escaped me. ‘Unlike my foes.’ Then I sobered and a sob teetered up my throat. I squashed it down by swallowing rapidly and telling myself that everything was going to be okay, though it would undoubtedly be different. I was truly the Queen now, not just in name; life was going to get rockier still – and I already felt like I was on a rollercoaster.

I asked quietly, ‘Can you find out the names of the alphas that I killed?’

Greg nodded. ‘Of course, Peaches. Go shower. I’ll get you food, names and anything else you need.’ He paused. ‘You were amazing today. You did what was needed to get the job done. I know it’s hard, but I promise you did the right thing.’

‘Thank you.’ Not wanting to smear him with the blood, I kissed him lightly on the lips. Then I went into the bathroom to wash and cry until my soul felt better.

Esme was bemused by how much I cried, but I still felt no better. The longer I was in the Other realm, the darker I feared my soul was getting.

It is not dark, Esme assured me. If it was, you wouldn’t be crying. You’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing – you’re taking out the rubbish.

I hoped to hell she was right.

I dressed in jeans and a pink top that said Girls Rule and Boys Drool. Not my most regal outfit but I had a sudden urge to be Lucy. When I came out, the dining-room table was laden with croissants and Danish pastries of various shapes and sizes.

‘I checked them all on Amber’s bedside table,’ Greg promised. ‘They’re all good to eat.’

‘Fabulous, thank you.’ I gestured to the men. ‘Dig in everyone.’ They didn’t need to be asked twice, and for the next twenty minutes there was no conversation as we ate our fill. Greg poured me another cup of tea then sat next to me, wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his arms.

It was exceedingly rare for Greg to indulge in public displays of affection. Only as I was shovelling in an apple Danish did I realise his sudden urge to get physical probably wasn’t coincidental because it had come when I’d announced I was looking for a mate. He must be feeling insecure – another thing to worry about – but how the heck did I reassure him without pressuring him?

For all we’d exchanged ‘I love yous’, I wasn’t good at wearing my feelings on my sleeve. Of course I wanted him, but I hadn’t wanted him like this – forced by Esme’s machinations to keep me safe. And for what? So far I hadn’t needed my cadre of faux suitors; I had been the one that kicked ass this time. The only thing they’d protected me from was a lot of astonishing male egos. It took a certain kind of person to be an alpha werewolf, but I wished to hell that at least some of them were nice. Gods, there had to be some nice ones, right?

I took a sip of tea. ‘There must be some good alphas here. Lord Samuel was a good alpha.’

Archie nodded. ‘He was. He had friends amongst other alphas, like Denby from the Derbyshire Pack.’

‘Denby from Derby?’ I snorted.

‘Kearns is from Derbyshire,’ Greg said thoughtfully. ‘He’s the one beating the Queen drum the loudest.’