I was not human! the house said, outraged.

You were a dryad, I offered softly.

I was a long time ago, she admitted. Now I’m not sure who or what I am.

Just my luck: my sentient house was having an identity crisis. You’re the seat of power, I pointed out.

Not any longer. Not without the orb. Now I’m just wood and blood. She sounded depressed. As if to emphasise her upset, the floorboards rose up and rearranged themselves, laying back down perpendicular to their original position.

The floorboards I was standing on and Ivy was resting on remained in situ. The house might be flustered, but she wasn’t uprooting her guests. It made me wonder about all the power-hungry wolves that had come before. Had she really killed them, as Kearns had suggested?

The other werewolves, I asked, the ones that came before me wanting to be crowned. What happened to them? Did you kill them?

The boards fluttered again, then the house sighed. No. I wiped their memories and sent them to join the circus.

I blinked. You can do that?

Vampyrs can enchant. Because of my dryad heritage, I pack more of a punch than the average vampyr. I can make you forget your own name.

I went cold with fear. Please don’t, I pleaded hastily. Someone wiped my childhood memories before and I have no memories of my birth parents. Please don’t take the ones of my adoptive family from me too.

That is not right, the house muttered. We should all remember our family. Even I remember my family. Abruptly her magic gripped my head in a vice-like grip and I cried out at the force of it.

Remember, she ordered.

Pain shuddered through me as very old magic was broken and I screamed as memories rushed at me, pounding into my skull.

Sitting on the kitchen side watching my mother roll out pastry.

Kneeling by the pond while my father put netting over it to protect the fish from the herons.

Sitting on the swing watching my parents kiss.

Lying on the ground, laughing helplessly as Nonna blew raspberries on my tummy.

Sitting on my Nonno’s lap as he read a story to me.

Skipping as I tossed flames from one hand to another.

Sitting in the car next to Shadow Grandfather, my Grandy Sandy, as he spirited me away. He cried as he drove, and I knew something very bad had happened.

Agony tore through me and Esme howled with the pain of it. Together we welcomed the darkness that came for us.

Chapter 31

My head was pounding, but something was licking my face. I swiped at it before forcing my eyes open. Red eyes met mine. ‘Ivy!’ I blurted as my brain started to fire.

The unicorn licked me again. I looked towards the window and swore at the lightening of the sky. ‘Shit. I’d better get a move on or I’ll be declared dead.’

Just like all the others, the house agreed. You’ll like the circus. The others all did. It gave them a new place to call home, albeit without magic.

Why restore my memories if you’re simply going to wipe them all over again? I demanded, suddenly feeling sick to the pit of my stomach.

I wouldn’t clear your childhood memories! she protested. I’m not a barbarian. Just the recent ones that led you to me.

If you wipe my recent memories, I won’t be able to find the orb and restore your connection to the Great Pack. You won’t be able to speak to the other wolves because none of the others are pipers like me. You’ll be lonely again.

That’s true, the house said slowly, considering my point.