“Tito’s back on Earth. There’s no way you can reach him from here.”
“I will kill anyone who threatens my mate.”
“Too bad you weren’t there when the robocops grabbed me.”
“Who grabbed you?” I was fuming, determined to rip someone apart, but there was no one here but us and a few drettires chittering in the canopy overhead.
“The robocops are also back on Earth,” she said with a sigh. “Forget killing anyone for me for a moment, would you?”
I puffed out my chest. “Know that I will give my life for you.”
“Devotion’s a wonderful attribute and appealing in some ways, but you don’t even know me. Maybe learn more about me before you offer to sacrifice yourself to protect me. I might not be someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. I could fart all night, ignore you when you share your problems, or even be excessively jealous of the ladies in your . . .”
“Yes, clan.”
I pressed my fist against my chest. “If you release them, I will adore your farts. I will speak louder when I share my problems to ensure you hear. And if you’re jealous, I will take you to our bed and show you in a thousand ways that you don’t need to fear me being with anyone else.”
Her brow furrowed. “A thousand ways?”
“At least.”
She lifted her hand, exposing her palm my way. “Forget about all that for now. The point is, I’m not your mate. You don’t need to do anything for me.” Her chin lifted, and I admired how brave and strong she appeared despite her tiny size. “I can take care of myself. I can also defend myself.”
“I will always protect you,” I said fiercely.
Fists formed at her sides, and her face turned a dark pink. “I’m not your mate!”
“Let me take you back to my clan, where we can discuss it further.” Surely once she was inside my home, she would see I was right.
Then we could start creating younglings, perhaps even tomorrow night.
“We have nothing to discuss,” she said.
“I won’t make you do something you don’t agree with.” Persuasion was something altogether different. The gods wouldn’t have gifted her to me if she wasn’t capable of loving me until my dying day. Once she realized this, she’d agree.
She stomped her foot once more. “Chasing me through the woods while waving that purple thing around and shouting that I’m your bride is pretty much trying to make me do something I don’t agree with.”
One could see it this way.
I wasn’t sure I did. “I’ve waited a lifetime for you.” Could she hear the way my voice tightened around the words? Could she feel the way my heart throbbed only for her? For so long, I’d ached for a mate, for someone I could talk to. I pictured us lying in the grass at night, staring at the stars. Preparing meals together. Slumbering beneath the bedding on a chilly morning.
Stark pain sliced through my chest, stealing my breath. Surely, she wouldn’t reject me?
“If you come with me,” I said, “I promise I’ll try to restrain myself.”
“Try came through loud and clear in your statement.”
“Yes, it did. What do you expect? You’re my mate. Naturally, I’m eager to claim you.”
Her gaze shot to my loincloth again where my cock stirred, and the lines on her forehead tightened. “I can see that. Keep that thing in check.”
“I will try.”
She huffed.
“The gods are wise. Trust the gift they’ve given you.”