I only tossed a glance over my shoulder, but it was too long when considering the herd of triceratops galloping to my right. They veered toward me. I twisted away, smacking into a fallen tree the size of a sofa. I belly flopped onto the rough bark. With a groan of pain, I pushed myself up, toppled off, and slammed onto my back on the ground. My arms and legs splayed wide, I stared at the vegetation swishing above, wondering if I’d ever be able to breathe again.
How in the world had I ended up in this mess?
The alien dove, landing on top of me, driving the wind from my lungs before I’d had a chance to suck it back in. The purple thing he was holding flopped forward, smacking me in the face, releasing . . . pollen? That couldn’t be right. While I gasped and sneezed, he wrapped his arm around me and rolled us into the narrow space beneath the log.
The triceratops thundered toward our hidden location. Some jumped over the tree while the rest ran around it. The heavy thud of their hooves faded as they disappeared among the enormous trees.
I laid there a second to catch my breath, not liking how the alien’s warm arm snug around me gave me a feeling of comfort I couldn’t deny.
His cock shifted against my thigh.
Fuck that.
I was nearly naked. He’d just declared I was his bride.
Consummation of this odd arrangement was about to commence.
I ripped free of his hold and dragged myself out from beneath the tree. My nightie caught on something and ripped. As I straightened, it flopped forward, dangling across my belly, exposing my right boob.
Clutching the wet fabric, I yanked it back up over my chest and bolted after the triceratops.
I only made it a few feet before the alien tackled me again. In the tussle, I lost the rock.
He rolled us across sticks and downed brush, and when we came to a stop, I was sitting on his lap, straddling his waist, with his arms locked on my hips and mine on his shoulders.
My right boob hung out again, the nipple much too perky for the current situation. His eyes widened as he stared at it, his fingers twitching on my hips. When he licked his tusks the size of my thumbs and hunger filled his eyes, I yanked the fabric back up over my boob.
“Don’t look at me like that,” I growled. “I’m not on the menu any day of the week that ends in AY.”
He snarled out a string of words I couldn’t understand.
Chapter 4
Zuldrux females did not possess perky nubs in the middle of their breasts. The skin of their globes wasn’t creamy or speckled with tiny brown spots like this female. And their breasts weren’t a luscious pink in the center.
I could picture my mouth on that area. Sucking.
My cock loved the image as well and lifted some more, pressing against her thigh.
She muttered something I was grateful I didn’t understand.
I dragged my mind away from the sight of my mate’s glorious breast and focused on her face.
“You lost your stone,” I said.
She snarled again.
Huffing at her vehemence, I grinned. My mate would give me brave sons. Strong daughters. I couldn’t wait to start producing them.
After gently laying the sign from my god on the ground, I ignored my throbbing cock and tugged another crystal out of the pouch in my loincloth and pressed it into her hand.
“Take care, lovely one,” I said. “If you keep losing your stones, you won’t understand my commands beneath the bed covers.”
The bands of hair above her eyes wedged together. “Hold on. This thing lets me understand you?” She carefully laid the crystal on my chest.
I spoke, and her pretty brown eyes widened. I’d never seen eyes or hair or even skin like hers.